Any idea, if anyone can tell as how many local guides are there across the globe? I mean total LGs in the world.
Hi @bhattuc
Thank you for asking
The last official data is 150 millions. Impressive isn’t it?
You can read more about this incredible, and many others, milestones in this post: Celebrating community milestones and exciting updates on Google Maps
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Thanks for your quick response. I was also guessing it in millions only but 150 million is really an impressive figure.
Have a nice day.
Indeed @bhattuc 150 million is a mind-blowing number! We have already asked Google if they can give a split up of the number of local guides per level, but they’re unwilling to reveal that.
As the answer @ErmesT , one of our brand new Guiding Stars, has given you provided the reply you needed, I have marked that as the solution for this post.
I would not be surprised if the Local Guides Community is the biggest volunteer network on this planet! Feels good to be part of it!
Ya, Morten, I also feel so.
That was 3 years ago @ErmesT and @JanVanHaver , thank you.
Any updated estimates? Even if unofficial they might be better than what is floating around on the web (mostly over 200M)
As far as I know @ConsumerGuru there is no recent official number, although I do remember that at some point 160 million might have been mentioned.
I do have the impression, though, that in recent years the focus of the team has shifted more towards increasing the engagement among the existing community instead of growing the total number.
Hi @ConsumerGuru , welcome to Connect, and thank you for asking.
I can only confirm what @JanVanHaver already said.
I don’t think the number is growing too much, because if on one side there are indeed new Local Guides every day, and the other side there is also an attempt by Google to keep Maps clean, by removing inappropriate contents and the related Local Guides