রাস্তার নাম কি ভাবে যুক্ত করতে পারি? কেউ এই ব্যাপারে সাহায্য করতে পারবেন

রাস্তার বয়স ৪ বছর, মাটির রাস্তা, রাস্তার কোনো মাইল ফলক নেই, এই রাস্তা টি একটি গ্রাম কে মেইন রোড এবং বাজারের সাথে যুক্ত করেছে, অনেক বার চেষ্টা করেছি নাম যুক্ত করার কিন্তু রেজেক্ট করে দিচ্ছে ।
বিঃদ্রঃ রাস্তা টি আমিই ম্যাপ এ যুক্ত করেছি।


Go to Google map and click the contribute option below :point_down:t2: and select the update road options and then click road name option and then select the road which one you want to make sure the name of the road and finally give a specific name of that road. Hope you will get it.


Koyek bar try korchi bhai, reject kore dey

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Brother, you can try again by changing the road name in a different way from you submitted before. Google map isn’t permitted the same name what already existed in map. Maybe this is the cause for rejecting you. So make sure a little change and try again. Usually, map tries to verify the name based on related house name or existed road name.


Hi @AhsanUddin , and thank you for asking.
Adding the name of a road is not so simple. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is that the name must be verified. So please do not follow the workaround suggestion given by @ahmadnayemkhan

The name of the road must be the right one, not a similar one.
Adding a road name using the Road Editor works well only when the segment of the road you are adding is part of an extension of an existing roads, and only if you submit the name together with the addition of the road.
But if the name is new, part of a separate road, the main point for having it approved is the possibility to verify it through an official documentation.
In addition the name of the road get a low priority in the approval process, so even if verifiable the approval will be probably postponed, to be rejected after 90 days.
The best way to have the name updated is to submit a Publicly accessible Official (governative) Map to the Google Maps Help Community, were the correct name of the road is clearly visible.

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