त बात एईसन बा की २१फरवरी के पूरा दुनिया मातृभाषा दिवस मनावेले तो हमहू आज मातृभाषा दिवस के अवसर पर अपने मातृभाषा भोजपुरी में लिखतानी । सबसे पहिले बंगलादेश के शहीदन के स्तुति की जोने लोग के बलिदान के कारण आज दुनिया में मातृभाषा दिवस मनावल जाला।
त आप सब लोग अब जनिये गयईनी की हमार मातृभाषा भोजपुरी हवे।
जइसे की हम एगो दहलीज पर खड़ा बानी - 10 महीना के लोकल गाईड- पिछला 10 महीना के भावना ओर यादन के बाढ़ हमरा के एगो भारी कृतज्ञता के भाव से भर देला। ई महीना कमाल से कम नइखे रहल, उपलब्धियन से भरल बा जवन हमरा के ऊ व्यक्ति बना दिहले बा जवना से आज हम गूगल गाइड “रोडर्” बन गईनी. विनम्रता ओर उल्लास के साथे।
शीर्षक:- फोटो फ्रेम लोकल गाईड साथी "कासिफ मिसाडिया " के बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद काहेंसेकी पहिला पहिल ईहे साथी हमके आपन परिचय देवे के प्रस्ताव दियने त इनहू के @KashifMisidia जी धन्यवाद आभार.
I’m writing this post in Urdu, to celebrate Mother language day by your post. Infact my mother language is Memon, which is mixture of Gujrati and Sindhi, but as we don’t have any written script of our language, I will use Urdu in Roman for better understanding.
Sub sey pehley mai @ShailendraOjha aap ka shukriya ada karunga key aap ney mujhey yaad rakha aur mujhey Apni is khobsorat post mai mention kiya.
Kiyunkey yeh merey Liye Bohat honor ki baat hey key koi dost apney us dost ko yaad rakhey jis ney usey kuchh sikhaya ho.
Aur us key baad mai @TusharSuradkar Bhai ka shukriya ada kerna Chahta hoon, jinhoon ney mujhey mention kiya. Aur Sath mai @ShailendraOjha samait tamam indian local guides ko yeh zarur Batana chahunga key aap key pass @TusharSuradkar , @TravellerG aur @NareshDarji ki surat mai kuchh aiesey log hain, Jo Kisi bhi local guides community mai hoon, Kisi Naimat sey kam nahi.
To mai yeh chahunga key tamam local guides , especially Jo dost Bharat sey hain, woh in logo ki qadar karain, aur in sey seekhna ka jitna mouqa Miley, usey zarur avail karain.
Again thank you so much and Happy Mother Language day
Na gode da sharing @ShailendraOjha . Kamar @KashifMisidia , nima ina amsawa da harshen hausa. Ina yi wa duk “local guides” murnar ranar harshen uwa ta duniya. Kamar yadda na ambata a rubutun @DeniGu , wannan shine karo na farko da nake jin labarin wannan rana.
@KashifMisidia Ji thank you very much for your kind words &. wonderful blessings me your mother toung , & first of all my knowledge says “Memon” is “katiyawadi” beutiful language, & like kathiyawadi language kathiyawadi people also helping people.anyway mother toung is mother toung. & Yes @NareshDarji 's map contribution is super awesome & ofcourse @TusharSuradkar DADA is wonderful man,he is inspired to everyone to do best in his inspirational way.& TG @TravellerG is kind creative builder.
Ohh @MrFreez thank you very much my Roaders teammates for your kind words & you noticed my mother toung it’s super awesome for me anyway bhojpuri language is some of the beautiful country’s national language also Asia Prashant continent Region.& As a Google language translation showing me your language Hausa language & my knowledge says in African regions lots of people speaking in Hausa language.Happy mother language Day to All & ofcourse thanks to Google contributer @DeniGu to Remind us to all happy mother language Day.
In the past, I had seriously made attempts to post in Hindi and my mother tongue Marathi, but the response was not great, so I continued to contribute in English:
Dada don’twarry We are incredible country’s law obliged people & our country is big & covered with thousands kilometers with lot of culture & languages & English is universal communication language to the whole world.
& @PrasadVR Ji I have shared my mother tongue only for knowledge, that Bhojpuri is also an international language,& Google translation App also includes his translation. India is an incredible country which the world spent centuries trying to understand.
My most humble respect to you, dear and loving @KashifMisidia Ji,
You are our most loved LG and Connect Moderator in our Community!
You are mentor to thousands of LGs of this community, irrespective of country and religion!!!
You are are so genuine and pure as CRYSTAL!
Yes, Ji… I have tried writing in my mother language Malayalam, but, unfortunately the translations were not exciting - of course, I’m not telling that my English is great… Better than the translation… so request our @ShailendraOjha to allow me to continue in English.
Of course, on the International Mother Language day, in our Local Community Social Media, we had different programs.
An individual TG is nobody, if you all are NOT around here - the LOVE, RESPECT, CARE AND ATTENTION we share is very unique and I bow my head in front of you all for the invaluable support you have always given me - most humble and thankful regards to each one of you - kindly accept my love and prayers…
নিজ মাতৃভাষায় পোস্ট লেখার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ। বর্তমানে দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় বহু আঞ্চলিক ভাষা হুমকির মুখে পড়েছে। আমাদের উচিত নিজ নিজ মাতৃভাষাকে বেশি করে চর্চা করা এবং ভবিষ্যৎ প্রজন্মকে মাতৃভাষায় কথা বলতে ও লিখতে উৎসাহ প্রদান করা।
Aw thanks so much @ShailendraOjha . Thank you for tagging me and for that screenshot. I was going through a tough week and it made me so happy to see that you enjoyed reading my positive words. Truly meant from my heart my friend.
Love this Mother Language Day too. It’s interesting to learn about special days around the world.