Всем привет! Спешу поделиться “горячими” кадрами из моей очередной прогулки по окрестностям Минска! С каждым разом убеждаюсь, что в Минске и в нашей стране столько интересных мест, а какая у нас природа?!)) Не буду долго грузить болтовней и предлагаю перейти к просмотру! Приятного просмотра!)) И добро пожаловать к нам! Открываем Беларусь вместе!
@AleksandrTihonov изумительные, прекрасные фотографии)
So beautiful and amazing photos of evening nature and sunset photos!
Thanks for sharing with us a beautiful place a many excellent photos!
Have a nice day my friend!
Warm Greetings
from Chittagong city
@AleksandrTihonov очень красивые места и виды
Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing @AleksandrTihonov
Спасибо большое @MAHBUB_HYDER
Спасибо большое @OlgaRomanova
You are most welcome my dear @AleksandrTihonov
Have a nice day my friend!
Warm Greetings
from Chittagong city
Спасибо @MAHBUB_HYDER И вам всего наилучшего!)
Good photos, LG @AleksandrTihonov
But, if you permit, I would like to suggest the following to you:
I understand that your photo looks fine on your mobile, but many of us use PC (Laptop) to read & respond to your post - the small photos are less impressive compared to Full-Screen photos. So kindly use this method (Here) to edit your beautiful post & keep your photo in full size. I hope that will help you; in case if you need any further assistance to get your post edited, kindly TAG me while replying.
All the best
Hi @AleksandrTihonov ,
Thanks for sharing these amazing shots with us! I just love the calmness the photos bring me while watching them. How did you feel while taking them? Did you have this sense of calmness as well?
I hope you don’t mind me increasing the size of the photos, as I believe this way we will able to see the details better. Don’t forget that you can also edit your post from the three dots whenever needed. Here are some tips.
Интересный ракурс!
Как будто пальмы)