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مطعم شوق الشام

يقدم اطيب الاطباق الشهية طوال اليوم

مشويات كباب مشكل جنبري دجاج وغيرها الكثير

اطباق وسندوتشات الشاورما المتميزة - ولا يستخدم الا اللحم الطازج في جميع اطباقه

مطعم شوق الشام - مكة

تذوقت فيه اطيب الفطائر والمقبلات**



Hi @OmarKhalidi ,

The content you’ve posted does not appear to be your own and is in violation of the Local Guides program rules.

Please make sure you edit it and remove the photo that is not yours, or your post will be moved to the off-topic section of the community.

For more information, you can read these articles How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?.

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I appreciate your contacting and your concerns yet these photos related to our restaurant.

best regards

Hello @OmarKhalidi ,

Just as a reminder, don’t forget when responding to others make sure to tag them (by writing @ before their names) in a post so they can receive notifications that you are communicating with them.

As a reminder, the Local Guides program is for individuals who contribute to Google Maps who like to help others to discover and explore their world. Connect itself is a place where all Local Guides gather from around the world as individuals to exchange ideas, give input and help each other. It is strictly forbidden to represent any organization or company and keep in mind that this would lead to removal from the program. Please see our Local Guides Program Rules.

P.S.: The second photo of your post seems to be stolen and I would like to ask you to edit your post and remove it or your post will be moved to the off-topic section of the community.