


Hello @Masa_Sibata thanks for sharing the food picture from your country.

Take a look before writing post on connect.


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Thank you
Finally I understood the meaning.
I will be careful next time.

Hey @Masa_Sibata ,

This dish looks delicious. I am curious to know the ingredients? Can you make something similar at home?

Do you know that you can leave your review and photos of this place on Google Maps? It’ll be of great use to other Local Guides who are looking for more information about the place they’re visiting before going there.

You can find more information about it in this article Write reviews and add ratings of places, feel free to check it out.

Hi @Masa_Sibata you can use @ to mention a particular person in your comment. Feel free to share you stories with community.

こんにちは @Masa_Sibata さん

デザインに富んだカレーライスですね👀 俵型にまとめたライスにトマトソース仕立てのロールキャベツが乗っているのでしょうか? アートラテのようなミルクもオシャレです。

マップに投稿されましたコメントを拝見しましたが宜しかったらこちらにもぜひご紹介ください! 意外にもカレーライスは日本発祥なのでガイドの皆さんが興味津々かもしれません😊

it looks delicious food @Masa_Sibata

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waht is a rezept?

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It is curry and rice.

Very delicious !