Top Google Maps Local Guides in each Country (September, 2024)

@AdamGT Espetaculares fotografías


Oh I needn’t have highlighted it @tony_b . it’s now right up there top, front and center of every Connect page! So my hope is that I can finish off everything on my side on the current Connect before the 14th and then, it will be interesting to see how the Leaderboards finally “fit/work” on the improved/enhanced Connect. I have to say that I’m excited from the preliminary testing done so far.


Thank you so much @Carlos23_1

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Yes @AdamGT today there’s a banner across the top of the page. But last night when I responded to you, it wasn’t there and I didn’t know about it.

Thanks again, and we look forward to a new improved experience.


That’s awesome! Congrats to everyone on the list and thanks to @AdamGT for making it!


Perfect! So now we just have a few days left until the 14th when Connect turns to read-only mode until the 28th. So now until the 14th, with all of the September Leaderboards posted, I myself will work hard and try to catch up with messages and new registrations and we’ll see how we go with the October Leaderboards.


Complimenti @AdamGT per il grande impegno che hai preso in carico.Comincio ad avere le idee più chiare e ho capito nel mio piccolo che in merito ai “Punti” l’obiettivo personale è di superare un giorno il leader,Number One @Bartek_Maryniak, mentre per i Luoghi Aggiunti è @Alfi_53. E’ corretto?
Però,in contemporanea ho anche un altro obiettivo che è quello di “ridurre il gap” con altre piattaforme e siti che per vari motivi riscontrano dei problemi nell’aggiornamento dati.Il desiderio è che tutti possano raggiungere un grande successo e presentarsi a testa alta online e non a caso,tempo fa avevo proposto di trovare un accordo tra i colossi (Google,Facebook,Firefox,Cylex,X,…) per “UNIFICARE LE RECENSIONI” in ordine di data migliorando l’informazione con i lettori e le Local Guides ma so bene che non è facile attuare questa iniziativa.:neutral_face:
Come al solito sono andato fuori tema e mi scuso.
Buona domenica a tutti!


@AdamGT It is the end of November 29th here, and the middle of November 30th for you. Is there any danger in me uploading my November stats before you’ve completed the October tables using the previous set of info?


Thank you so much for the compliment and interesting comment @LUCIANO13_1 Even though you are analyzing the September Country leaderboards and the more current October Country leaderboards have just been posted, you are correct, at the moment @Bartek_Maryniak leads us in points and when it comes to places added, @Alfi_53 is in the lead. Thank you for your interesting off-topic commentary and I can only wish you good luck with that one :rofl:

On another note, let me extend a personal invitation to you to come out of the lurking room and join us on the Leaderboards. I think you would enjoy it and become even more motivated to overtake these leaders and I am sure you will enjoy becoming more involved with fellow Local Guides including those like @AT_Rome from whom we have always learned more about beautiful Italy. Register here.



Indeed it is the end of November already @tony_b and while I’ve been pushing to get the October Leaderboards posted, the Movers & Shakers are still yet to go, we’re only a couple of days away from time to start with the November Leaderboards. Oh I’m so glad it is the weekend :joy:

Anyway, back to your question. No, you go ahead and do your normal end-of-month routine.

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Dear @LUCIANO13_1 , @AdamGT in his reply is right: it’s really time to break every delay and subscribe here
It’s not a real competition, at least for me, but a place where to compare and learn every day, finding in others motivations to explore our really unique planet (sometimes it seems that there is part of humanity that forgets it), and motivating us the others with our photographs, videos, places added.
I think your strength in contributing to Google Maps is the changes and addition of places, as you hint in your comment, and on the contrary you probably don’t like uploading photos and videos of places: I don’t know if it’s a conscious choice, but Italy is famous for its absolute wealth of places, and I am sure that adding detailed photos of the places that frequent would increase the score even more.
For my part, living in Rome I can not exclude from showing places and historical monuments that strike for their beauty and their history: the last photo I added is a detailed glimpse of the Palazzo del Quirinale, seat of the President of the Italian Republic: for those who did not know, the Quirinale stands on one of the 7 hills of Rome, where already the IV century B.C. was built the temple of the god Quirinus and where - in the square opposite - an imposing sculpture with the Dioscuri (mythological sons of Zeus) and their horses, originally placed to decorate the Baths of Emperor Constantine in 217 AD.
In short, every corner of our Italy, but I would say every place of this incredible planet deserves a photo that allows us to share and update others on the places we live.
I myself am often surprised to travel to places and countries very far away, remaining fascinated by the photos uploaded by Local Guides.
I forgive the emphasis of this long message, but when I can find a little 'space for myself (really not easy these days) I’m happy to share my passions, such as taking back known and less known places that I find myself attending.
Thanks, as always, to @AdamGT for his valuable and irreplaceable contributions.
I add that the fact of writing in English (which today is an international language, as Latin was until some time ago) is only to allow those who attend Connect to read more easily without the recourse to the translator (as I happen to do it myself), but it’s fine to write in Italian, and that’s why I rewrite the text below just written also in Italian.
A dear greeting to all the Local Guides from Rome, Italy.

Caro @LUCIANO13_1 , @AdamGT nella sua replica ha proprio ragione: è davvero il caso di rompere ogni indugio ed iscriverti qui
Non è una vera competizione, almeno per me, ma un luogo dove confrontarsi ed imparare ogni giorno, trovando negli altri motivazioni per esplorare il nostro pianeta davvero unico (a volte sembra che vi sia parte dell’umanità che lo dimentica), e motivando noi gli altri con le nostre fotografie, i video, i luoghi aggiunti.
Credo che il tuo punto di forza nei contributi a Google Maps siano le modifiche e l’aggiunta di luoghi, come accenni nel tuo commento, e al contrario probabilmente non ami caricare foto e video di luoghi: non so se è una scelta consapevole, ma l’Italia è famosa per la sua assoluta ricchezza di luoghi, e sono certo che aggiungendo foto particolari dei luoghi che frequenti incrementeresti il punteggio ancor più.
Dal canto mio, vivendo a Roma non posso esimermi dal mostrare luoghi e monumenti storici che colpiscono per la loro bellezza e la loro storia: l’ultima foto che ho aggiunto è uno scorcio particolare del Palazzo del Quirinale, sede del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana: per chi non lo conoscesse, il Quirinale sorge su uno del 7 colli di Roma, dove già del IV secolo a.C. fu edificato il tempio del Dio Quirino e dove - nella piazza antistante - fa bella mostra una imponente scultura con i Dioscuri (mitologici figli di Zeus) ed i loro cavalli, originariamente posti a decoro delle Terme dell’Imperatore Costantino nel 217 dC.
Insomma, ogni angolo della nostra Italia, ma direi ogni posto di questo nostro incredibile pianeta merita una foto che consenta di condividere ed aggiornare gli altri sui luoghi che noi viviamo.
Io stesso mi sorprendo spesso a viaggiare per luoghi e paesi lontanissimi, rimanendo affascinato della foto caricate dalle Local Guide.
Mi si perdoni l’enfasi di questo lungo messaggio, ma quando riesco a trovare un po’ di spazio per me stesso (davvero non facile di questi tempi) sono felice di condividere le mie passioni, come quella di riprendere luoghi noti e meno noti che mi trovo a frequentare.
Grazie, come sempre, ad @AdamGT per i preziosi ed insostituibili contributi.
Un caro saluto a tutte le Local Guide da Roma, Italia.


Dear @AdamGT , to my previous, long message I just want to add that I have just finished the task of recording my November statistics (which - unfortunately - for the photo stars and 360 stars have not recorded any progress): here it is the afternoon of November 30, while for you it is already the next month of December…
A warm greeting to everyone.


It’s just gone past 8am on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning here in Melbourne and your lovely message @AT_Rome. is the first that I read and as usual, there’s always something interesting to read. I cannot agree more with you Alex “In short, every corner of our Italy, but I would say every place of this incredible planet deserves a photo that allows us to share and update others on the places we live.”

By the way Alex, the pattern that you describe in your statistics is a common one so do not despair. The important thing is to update regardless of the numbers.

(Antipodally from your future, December 1)


@AT_Rome I can confirm what was said by @AdamGT
I had a little change in the views of my Star Video in November, but no change for my Star Photo for many months. On approximately February 7th Google changed the way things work, and there are some photos and videos which are not displaying updated view counts because the quantum of change doesn’t measure up to certain new criteria.