Top 7 places for awesome breakfast in Moscow! Season 2018/2019.

I have realized that during my living in Moscow I collected quite variable and sufficient list of places to get delicious breakfast. Not only tasty but with unique features like interior, view or servings. So here is my hot list with description, the google map link is here:

  1. Cafe “Gorynich” located in Trubnaya subway station on the 3rd floor of Central food market. Opening early at 8 a.m. the cafe has remarkable interior based on Russian tales with open style kitchen and ovens, smokers,roasters. They offers special menu for breakfasts and outstanding self-baked bread. I would strongly recommend crepes or omelet. The serving is really pleasant. At summer time you can sit in stunning terrace with view on cozy Trubnaya Square. The average check is 8-12$ without drinks.
  2. The cozy green restaurant “Sempre” in Tverskaya area. It was started by Belgian entrepreneur Gust Sempre. While his company Sempre Life specialized in interior design the restaurant looks outstanding! Ceiling and walls, dishes and tables - everything is exceptional. Sometimes you feel yourself there like in tropical cave! The breakfasts could be created from ingredients by the customer like a constructor. The doors are opening in 8 a.m. The average check is 15-20$ without drinks.
  3. Cafe “DIZENGOF99” on Pokrovsky Bvld. As you can get from name it is Tel-Aviv cafe with Israel cuisine. Here is the best hummus in whole city! They also serve great falafel and many authentic Israel toppings, well-known shakshuka with sausages or with eggplants. The menu is not long, but absolutely everything is tasty! The place is operating from 10 a.m. The average check is 7-12$ without drinks.
  4. The restaurant “Voronezh” owned by famous in Moscow restaurateur Alexander Rappoport. The location is just across the street from Kropotkinskaya subway station The place describes itself like “Cuisine of Russian local provinces” and it mostly specialized on beef meals. The place has 3 floors with different concepts: first - burger bistro with long tables and the butchery shop, the second - average restaurant, and the third - rich and luxury floor. The menu on 2nd and 3rd floors is the same. There is also small terrace with majestic view to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. You will find here the longest breakfast menu for decent prices. Open hours are 8 a.m. The average check (for breakfast) 8-10$.
  5. The healthy food cafe “Holy Basil”. The numerous bowls suitable for vegans, sporties, yoga lovers are presented here. The main idea - all is organic and fresh. The wide selection of smoothies and salads. Operates from 10 a.m. The average check is 7-10$ without drinks.
  6. The grand cafe “Dr. Zhivago” with Russian cuisine near the Kremlin. Besides of Russian culture and cuisine it has some Soviet manners and features, witch make this place special. It has Soviet luxury attributes such as high ceiling, stars, porcelain, waitresses wearing bright red lipstick and pioneer pins. If you are first time in Moscow you should visit Dr. Zhivago for a breakfast and take table with the view of the Kremlin. You can try here former Soviet delicacy like big sausage with peas, fried sausage, and caviar. Moreover here is the widest menu of different types of caviar for reasonable prices (black caviar for 19$ per 50g). And believe me it is really tasty! Just imagine the luxury breakfast with cup of coffee crepes and black caviar with magnificent view on Kremlin. What could sound more richness? Operates round the clock, the breakfast menu time from 8 to 12 a.m. The average check could be in wide range from 20$ and higher, depends on your fantasy.
  7. Last but not least the Moscow coffee chain stores “Coffemaina”. Actually, You can visit any “Coffemania” wherever it is located, even in airports. Every time you would get nice coffee, sandwiches or salads, and cottage pancakes with raspberry and sour cream, which are my favorite. Also it is convenient place to work on the laptop. The average check is 10-20$.

PS. I decided do not add all mine photos because they would not represent whole place but just several meals. I put the links for official websites of restaurants so you could check all information and menus. Enjoy!