Caption: Image taken from Google photo views motivational email ( @AdamGT )
Please note that I’m no longer updating this post. Please see the new series of monthly photo views leaderboard posts starting here.
While we don’t get points for photo views there is certainly a lot of interest among Local Guides in the views that our photos achieve and this can easily be seen from the number of posts about this subject on this, the Achievements topic of Connect. Motivation for these posts comes from the motivational emails that we regularly receive from Google congratulating us on our latest photo views achievements. Given this keen interest in photo views, I decided to create a list of Local Guides having the top 100 photo views and what better place for this list than here on the Achievements topic of Connect, where we shamelessly brag or show off our achievements. Let’s have some fun and perhaps this post will bring together in the one place, many of the one off posts about photo views achievement. I started the Top 100 list off which gave me the chance to appear in the number one position, but this didn’t last long
How to join in:
- Look at the Top 100 List and if your Google Maps photo views is enough to get you on the top 100 list then use the method specified below (and this is the only method that you should use) to get a link to your Google Maps Profile and add it in a comment to this post.
- Your link and photo views will then be checked and if all good I will give your entry my like (
) and by this you will know that you will be included in the next update (see FAQ #4 below). If you don’t like this post then I won’t like your entry
but seriously, your like will show support for and indicate that you like the idea of having leaderboards like this.
- Read the FAQs below.
How to get your Google Maps Profile link
Visit your Connect profile page (this is mine);
Right click on View Google Maps profile and copy the address and then paste this link into a comment on this post. Please simplify by editing your link and deleting everything from and including /photos… Your link should then look very similar to this link:
If you need further help with getting your Google Maps Profile link then read this post and make sure that you have set your Google Maps profile link to public as per the instructions in that post as this will give me access to your photo views data!
Finally, if you’re interested in photo views then you might also be interested in the Leaderboards of Photo Views and Leaderboards of Most Viewed Photos posts.
- Is this a competition to see who is the best? This post taps into the element of gamification in the Local Guides program and aims to show the Local Guides having the top 100 photo views! Also, instead of having hundreds of photo views type achievement posts scattered throughout the Achievements topic of Connect, it creates the one simple and convenient place to show and compare these.
- I submitted my information but why don’t I appear on the Top 100 List? There could be a number of reasons for this:
(a) You provided the wrong link to your Google Maps Profile or your profile is set to private (see the How to join in section above);
(b) You did not follow the specified procedure or what you provided is unclear; or
(c) I haven’t as yet done the next update (see FAQ #4)!
Please be patient while waiting for the updates but do look out for any messages from me, including private messages. When your entry is ready to be included you will see that I give it my like. If you don’t like this post then I won’t like your entry - What happens when my “photo views” increase or there’s a change in my Local Guide level? Yes, photo views and Local Guide levels can change daily however once you are on the Top 100 List there is no need to re-enter if and when your photo views or Local Guide level changes as this will be handled for you Also, the later you enter the Top 100 List the more time your photos will have had to gain more views compared to the earlier entrants. All this will be taken into account in the next update of the List (see FAQ #4).
- Will the Top 100 Photo Views list be updated? Yes. The list will be updated on both a weekly and monthly basis as follows:
(a) On a weekly basis the List will be updated to include Local Guides that enter and qualify during that week.
(b) At the end of the month the last weekly update in that month will be performed and the Top 100 List for that month will be closed and from there no more entries will be permitted. - Is the Top 100 Photo Views list automatically generated and updated? No sadly not. This is a totally manual procedure.
- What happened, I was on the Top 100 List but now I disappeared? I’m really sorry about that however, each time another Local Guide with higher photo views than you is added above you, you drop down one position on the list and sadly, if you drop below position 100 you drop off the list, shoosh! But don’t worry, because you can re-enter at anytime by following entry steps detailed above. Just keep adding quality photos to Google Maps (see the comments and observations about photo views in this post).
- Why is there an * at the end of some of the Connect usernames on the List? These users are Connect Moderators.
- Why are some entries on the Top 100 List shown in [ ]? These are the Local Guides added to the List during the last update on the date shown at the bottom of the Top 100 List as [Last Updated: …].
- Disclaimers:
(a) When you enter this post as described above you give me permission to visit your Connect and/or Maps Profile to view and use your photo views data for the purpose of this post.
(b) As a participant it’s up to you to check your entry on the List and if there are any errors or omissions to advise me by adding a comment on this post.
(c) The Top 100 Photo Views List is not an official Google generated or endorsed list. It is a list generated by me with your permission and from your photo views information!
The Top 100 Photo Views List
No | Local Guide | LG Level |
Photo Views |
1 | @TorM * | 10 | 1,395,103,558 |
2 | @AdrianLunsong * | 8 | 169,328,529 |
3 | @amandhayal | 10 | 132,252,003 |
4 | @LaloPadilla | 10 | 125,158,343 |
5 | @AdamGT | 10 | 116,895,628 |
6 | @UrsBolt | 9 | 113,377,191 |
7 | @TerryPG | 9 | 112,206,543 |
8 | @indahnuria | 10 | 101,435,906 |
9 | @AT_Rome | 9 | 50,550,274 |
10 | @DFX | 8 | 45,883,254 |
11 | @Yogi_hun | 7 | 43,545,764 |
12 | @Noble01 | 10 | 40,604,921 |
13 | @vvaleed | 8 | 28,854,772 |
14 | @4898inc | 7 | 25,534,861 |
15 | @Theatreperson | 7 | 24,838,317 |
[16] | @AlexandreCampbell * | 8 | 9,424,565 |
17 | @MAHMOUDALWAN | 9 | 8,269,158 |
18 | @Rk2010 | 8 | 7,184,923 |
19 | @JuanMamani98 | 8 | 6,889,412 |
20 | @Saswat | 7 | 5,442,182 |
21 | @Robert24 | 7 | 3,844,010 |
22 | @katydarhel | 6 | 3,623,522 |
23 | @Ammarcute | 7 | 2,608,038 |
24 | @DibyenduGuha | 8 | 2,531,981 |
25 | @Ersinirmak | 6 | 2,086,255 |
26 | @Jb-Tranquille | 7 | 1,474,861 |
[27] | @VenuGopal25 | 10 | 1,381,193 |
28 | @Anil6969 | 8 | 831,733 |
29 | @Sophia_20 | 8 | 723,872 |
30 | @MariaJoseBlazquez | 7 | 621,840 |
31 | @MatthewLavallee | 6 | 182,291 |
[32] | @Cercis | 5 | 141,607 |
33 | @KennyV_PH | 5 | 23,673 |
34 | @You | ? | ? |
Average | ? | 78,268,333 |
[Last update at 2400 EST 30 November 2020]