Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboards (February 2023)

T100 Views Feb 23.gif


This post is all about Local Guide photo contributions on Google Maps, and more specifically, about the views these photos rack up. It’s an update on the Photo Views post of 8 January, 2023 and consists of a series of leaderboards showcasing the view counts of Local Guides at different levels. There’s a leaderboard for each level and in this way you don’t have to be a “top gun” Level 10 Local Guide with a mega million views to participate! So, whether you’re an entry level Local Guide or from a small country, town or village, or a top level Local Guide from London, New York, Paris or New Delhi, you can join in and it’s simple to do! If you want to get on leaderboards, then use this link. If you want to know more then see this How-to post by @AZ_2021.

Why are photo views important?

While as Local Guides we don’t get points for the views that our photos generate, we all know that views are important as they give us an indication on how we are impacting on our communities at the Local Guide level. Our photo views give us a good indication on how many people we have helped make a decision such as about a place to visit or a meal to have. So while we don’t get points for views, we certainly get an awesome feeling when we see that our photos are being viewed by many people and being visible across Google services, like Search means that our photo counts can increase significantly and you will see here on the leaderboards how significant these photo counts can get.

Is this just a competition?

While there is an inherent competitive element within them, these leaderboard posts are more than just seeing who has the best photos or the most photo views, far from it! They have been specifically designed to motivate us, help us to monitor our contributions and performance, and show us how to improve and make better contributions so that we achieve better results, all in a fun and enjoyable way! If this can be done then these leaderboards will have achieved their objective, their mission will be accomplished!


Reading the Photo Views leaderboards

Briefly, this is what you need to know about the leaderboards in this post. For more details see the leaderboard documentation:

  1. The leaderboards present details about the photo views of hundreds of participating Local Guides from all over the world. As well as an overall leaderboard ranking the top 100 Local Guides by photo views, you will see leaderboards for different Local Guide levels which lend themselves to better comparisons of your photo views achievement with your peers. There’s also a leaderboard, referred to as the Exclusive Billion Photo Views Club that highlights those heavy hitting, high views Local Guide achievers. Finally, there’s a leaderboard the shows the top 100 Local Guides ranked by the Average Views/Photo metric which gives a good indication of the overall quality of all photos taken by each Local Guide.
  2. Where shown, around leaderboard sequence numbers indicate that this is the first time that the Local Guide has participated on the Top 100 leaderboards.
  3. An asterisk (*) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Connect Moderator.
  4. Double asterisks (**) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Googler.
  5. A ? or the words “Not set” in a cell indicates that the respective value hasn’t been provided by or cannot be determined for the respective Local Guide.
  6. Selecting any of the Connect Usernames will take you to that Local Guide’s Connect Profile.
  7. Local Guides included in the leaderboards must check their entries for any errors. If you should find any errors or omissions, please add the details in a comment on this post. Regarding omissions, please note point 5 above.

Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, All participating Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide



Photo Views

1 @Herve_Andrieu 10 10,253,297,956
2 @TorM * 10 3,669,246,134
3 @Briggs 10 2,049,338,974
4 @jayasimha78 10 1,493,189,847
5 @JonBekkevoll 10 1,431,147,738
6 @JordanSB * 10 1,365,887,259
7 @MattGatlin 10 1,223,085,006
8 @MortenCopenhagen 10 942,944,666
9 @DshottDennis 10 905,573,849
10 @TerryPG 9 860,238,074
11 @abermans 10 697,404,405
12 @MajidMadadi 10 678,636,485
[13] @ZeZe 10 572,937,271
14 @Mikeinthefalls 7 553,401,550
15 @ThatJimRyan 10 548,950,596
16 @Maxplusfood 8 460,230,907
[17] @A-Kwon-Fang 10 435,606,374
18 @Lssong 10 424,086,195
19 @photoslinger 8 405,374,449
20 @Martin_Whitehead 8 395,474,994
21 @Jomo 9 380,798,298
22 @Chuan_Chee 10 380,017,461
23 @AdamGT * 10 354,592,870
24 @LaloPadilla * 10 331,695,867
25 @SP31 * 10 309,775,770
26 @Thomson200 8 303,799,327
27 @DanielTh 10 298,273,564
28 @AdrianLunsong * 9 281,322,549
29 @FlyingTimo 7 281,038,783
30 @PennyChristie * 10 273,432,663
31 @turbotapeworm 10 269,056,704
32 @gzub 10 266,645,306
33 @CM_Kuncham 10 261,899,466
[34] @GYours 10 255,754,711
35 @Jesi 10 254,286,660
36 @indahnuria 10 240,891,126
37 @MelTG 7 235,404,974
38 @FrankEiche 9 200,144,002
39 @JSeng 10 189,572,288
40 @amandhayal 10 185,351,777
[41] @SoniaK * 9 185,159,715
42 @manulc 10 184,275,158
43 @Kurt2day 10 177,908,651
44 @AntonioVirgil 10 176,950,390
45 @ele 8 162,466,877
46 @chiefzero 8 155,754,526
47 @UncleJFeather 8 152,069,640
48 @AZ_2021 10 150,077,649
49 @xmen123wood 9 149,954,072
50 @Ruslan_Asgarov 10 149,518,844
51 @SergeySud 10 141,218,228
52 @MarkAuchincloss 10 141,158,484
53 @TravellerG 10 136,655,935
54 @YasumiKikuchi 10 128,199,600
55 @AlexanderKudrin 10 127,778,908
56 @mbmuhlison 9 123,738,037
57 @iantresman 9 123,387,209
58 @DFX 8 120,116,271
59 @Josevieitez 8 119,478,873
60 @RohitGahlot 9 113,832,961
61 @Vinvan 10 110,328,236
62 @Rezgar 10 109,397,187
63 @JayDae-SuVega 9 105,952,453
64 @nigelfreeney 8 103,898,767
[65] @AnuradhaP 9 102,693,814
66 @LuigiZ * 9 102,603,383
67 @JamesHogg 9 101,969,253
68 @dbateser 9 97,712,391
69 @R10R 8 93,263,721
70 @KashifMisidia * 10 91,024,068
71 @Bartek_Maryniak 10 90,278,796
72 @BorislavA 10 88,940,498
73 @Hana_Kobzova 9 88,751,728
74 @AT_Rome 9 82,395,172
75 @BK_GAJENDRA 9 81,921,086
76 @ValeriaA_ 10 81,882,805
77 @Olofnh 8 80,665,379
78 @Trail_blazer 10 78,813,942
79 @Jean-IgnaceBE 9 78,643,760
80 @bszzlo 9 78,169,124
[81] @WesleyCh 8 77,311,541
82 @ysaadat 7 74,229,347
83 @gadgetguyz 8 71,692,166
[84] @SilvyC * 10 71,293,205
85 @Rex_Roscoe 8 67,291,393
86 @Aron_R 8 65,869,682
87 @JorgeSanchezMtz 8 63,432,177
88 @RooksieN 9 62,391,440
89 @LudwigGermany * 9 62,340,919
90 @TonyAlexander 10 62,203,674
91 @Atizol 9 61,508,657
92 @Nd18 8 61,008,732
93 @LuisMGonzalez 10 60,791,507
94 @Ducci 9 59,477,443
95 @Markus75 10 57,757,367
96 @TheLifesWay 9 57,444,904
97 @DENIT33 9 56,604,242
98 @JOSEWET 10 55,966,086
99 @RDFreeman 8 55,048,632
100 @jahzzy 9 54,407,813

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]

Who are the Local Guides knocking on the door here?

No Local Guide



Photo Views

101 @kessc 10 53,921,092
102 @Benjet415 9 53,285,584
103 @Kayimi 9 52,642,176
104 @Knutella 8 52,489,020
105 @Smith-Woratat 9 49,878,895
106 @Geethapriya 9 48,829,431
107 @pabloferro 8 48,593,256
108 @Muhammad_Usman 10 45,106,177
109 @S_Patel 8 44,811,946
110 @Teana_K 9 44,005,280
111 You ? ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


The Exclusive Billion Photo Views Club (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @Herve_Andrieu 10,253,297,956
2 @TorM * 3,669,246,134
3 @Briggs 2,049,338,974
4 @jayasimha78 1,493,189,847
5 @JonBekkevoll 1,431,147,738
6 @JordanSB * 1,365,887,259
7 @MattGatlin 1,223,085,006

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, Level 10 Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @Herve_Andrieu 10,253,297,956
2 @TorM * 3,669,246,134
3 @Briggs 2,049,338,974
4 @jayasimha78 1,493,189,847
5 @JonBekkevoll 1,431,147,738
6 @JordanSB * 1,365,887,259
7 @MattGatlin 1,223,085,006
8 @MortenCopenhagen 942,944,666
9 @DshottDennis 905,573,849
10 @abermans 697,404,405
11 @MajidMadadi 678,636,485
[12] @ZeZe 572,937,271
13 @ThatJimRyan 548,950,596
[14] @A-Kwon-Fang 435,606,374
15 @Lssong 424,086,195
16 @Chuan_Chee 380,017,461
17 @AdamGT * 354,592,870
18 @LaloPadilla 331,695,867
19 @SP31 309,775,770
20 @DanielTh 298,273,564
21 @PennyChristie 273,432,663
22 @turbotapeworm 269,056,704
23 @gzub 266,645,306
24 @CM_Kuncham 261,899,466
[25] @GYours 255,754,711
26 @Jesi * 254,286,660
27 @indahnuria * 240,891,126
28 @JSeng 189,572,288
29 @amandhayal 185,351,777
30 @manulc 184,275,158
31 @Kurt2day 177,908,651
32 @AntonioVirgil 176,950,390
33 @AZ_2021 150,077,649
34 @Ruslan_Asgarov 149,518,844
35 @SergeySud 141,218,228
36 @MarkAuchincloss 141,158,484
37 @TravellerG 136,655,935
38 @YasumiKikuchi 128,199,600
39 @AlexanderKudrin 127,778,908
40 @Vinvan 110,328,236
41 @Rezgar 109,397,187
42 @KashifMisidia * 91,024,068
43 @Bartek_Maryniak 90,278,796
44 @BorislavA 88,940,498
45 @ValeriaA_ 81,882,805
46 @Trail_blazer 78,813,942
[47] @SilvyC * 71,293,205
48 @TonyAlexander 62,203,674
49 @LuisMGonzalez 60,791,507
50 @Markus75 57,757,367
51 @JOSEWET 55,966,086
52 @kessc 53,921,092
53 @Muhammad_Usman 45,106,177
54 @BudiFXW 38,603,477
55 @Dimri_praveen 37,043,556
56 @AmbrishVarshney 36,202,447
57 @Sagir * 35,076,194
58 @rajpod85 31,605,580
59 @MAHMOUDALWAN 29,919,081
60 @ModNomad 29,784,261
61 @JaneBurunina * 28,276,794
62 @Gezendunyali 23,395,595
63 @ogewuru 19,120,000
64 @PaDeSSo 14,828,721
65 @JuwarniPawuh 13,352,517
66 @Ramamoorthy123 9,484,537
67 @david_furman 4,074,380
68 @Lukas_ 2,519,718
69 @Michael-Groves 1,351,359
70 @HsRawal 1,039,251
71 @david_furman ?
[72] @RussKH ?
73 @DshottDennis ?
74 You ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, Level 9 Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @TerryPG 860,238,074
2 @Jomo 380,798,298
3 @AdrianLunsong * 281,322,549
4 @FrankEiche 200,144,002
[5] @SoniaK 185,159,715
6 @xmen123wood 149,954,072
7 @mbmuhlison 123,738,037
8 @iantresman 123,387,209
9 @RohitGahlot 113,832,961
10 @JayDae-SuVega 105,952,453
[11] @AnuradhaP 102,693,814
12 @LuigiZ 102,603,383
13 @JamesHogg 101,969,253
14 @dbateser 97,712,391
15 @Hana_Kobzova 88,751,728
16 @AT_Rome 82,395,172
17 @BK_GAJENDRA 81,921,086
18 @Jean-IgnaceBE 78,643,760
19 @bszzlo 78,169,124
20 @RooksieN 62,391,440
21 @LudwigGermany * 62,340,919
22 @Atizol 61,508,657
23 @Ducci 59,477,443
24 @TheLifesWay 57,444,904
25 @DENIT33 56,604,242
26 @jahzzy 54,407,813
27 @Benjet415 53,285,584
28 @Kayimi 52,642,176
29 @Smith-Woratat 49,878,895
30 @Geethapriya 48,829,431
31 @Teana_K 44,005,280
32 @amittiwari 39,535,875
33 @OmerAli * 37,502,775
34 @VictorRamos24 34,560,620
35 @oviabhi 31,417,540
36 @edwin080372 30,014,186
37 @turaibalazs 28,365,376
38 @avadhoot141 27,874,536
39 @Aboyahia70 27,295,410
40 @snjsharma 24,147,881
41 @ReshamDas 23,184,509
42 @Chacho 22,169,697
43 @Jarif_Mahbub 20,059,084
44 @Kahnster 16,828,561
45 @akhil_raj 16,821,292
46 @Mo-TravelleerX 13,433,363
[47] @egauer 12,743,212
48 @SebaasC 11,899,530
49 @kasunaaa 10,765,328
50 @selormOnray 10,165,139
51 @Samehabosaif75 7,799,198
52 @GUDDUSINGH37 7,056,308
53 @travellite 4,814,121
54 @sabangla14 2,183,797
55 @MahbubIslam 163,000
56 @SamanthaSheehy 517
57 @xmen123wood ?
58 You ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, Level 8 Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @Maxplusfood 460,230,907
2 @photoslinger 405,374,449
3 @Martin_Whitehead 395,474,994
4 @Thomson200 303,799,327
5 @ele 162,466,877
6 @chiefzero 155,754,526
7 @UncleJFeather 152,069,640
8 @DFX 120,116,271
9 @Josevieitez 119,478,873
10 @nigelfreeney 103,898,767
11 @R10R 93,263,721
12 @Olofnh 80,665,379
[13] @WesleyCh 77,311,541
14 @gadgetguyz 71,692,166
15 @Rex_Roscoe 67,291,393
16 @Aron_R 65,869,682
17 @JorgeSanchezMtz 63,432,177
18 @Nd18 61,008,732
19 @RDFreeman 55,048,632
20 @Knutella 52,489,020
21 @pabloferro 48,593,256
22 @S_Patel 44,811,946
23 @DominikGehl 42,862,577
24 @LightRich * 41,070,493
25 @Theatreperson 39,452,244
26 @JustJake 37,869,289
27 @FraTaff 37,612,922
28 @Normalisaverage 37,558,856
29 @Calvin 36,580,502
30 @Bere_Marichi 33,108,958
31 @GigiR 30,888,913
32 @bigtraveller 30,311,430
33 @PrateekAgarwal 27,843,383
34 @AnithaM 27,772,440
35 @Chuytorres-alc 26,775,294
36 @ValentinaCaldito 24,382,974
37 @kinjalchhaya 21,957,537
[38] @shivam_kadwade 21,633,210
39 @gulgi 20,390,281
40 @ryan_read 20,143,653
41 @DũngVN 19,536,554
42 @NahidHossain 18,925,617
42 @Amit_21007 18,859,694
43 @JuanMamani98 17,603,410
44 @rupgo 17,510,433
45 @ChrisMc 17,063,010
46 @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe 16,400,000
47 @QueBall 16,382,002
48 @Ratnaker 16,212,723
49 @wapretorius 15,964,545
50 @aRvInD-Gr 15,675,363
51 @Obaidur_Rahman 15,552,961
52 @Dave26 15,064,895
53 @Omarfahd 14,826,232
54 @Heraksimus 14,551,561
55 @Stephanie_OWL 13,933,220
56 @Blexi 13,918,963
[57] @user_not_found 12,636,473
58 @edipratu 12,172,353
59 @user_not_found 12,133,802
60 @szliuyun2011 11,661,019
61 @FedericoGama 11,173,536
62 @lAth0m 10,571,402
63 @Omghanna 10,326,291
64 @bfaloona 10,241,548
65 @proveloin 10,070,830
66 @MrRogelioG 9,880,296
67 @MiKe6 9,816,724
68 @OkayNiggo 9,406,057
69 @Webzine-Voyage 9,382,334
70 @MinVN 9,340,588
71 @Bartmans 9,194,689
72 @tony_b 8,906,418
73 @alainrc2005 7,762,896
74 @profek412 7,689,024
[75] @AndrianakisGeorge 7,563,981
76 @anandBC 7,364,977
77</td @Maximilianozalazar 7,195,892
78 @ajitthite 6,835,965
79 @Rahul001 6,773,130
80 @ChrisGledhill 5,326,862
81 @Osama_El_Maghrby 4,748,745
[82] @WorldSoloTraveler 4,331,687
83 @BhandariR 3,582,276
84 @PrinzRoland 3,441,545
85 @Suvi 3,031,515
86 @S_hussain 2,873,823
87 @Gurukrishnapriya 2,690,043
88 @SabbirShawon 2,505,987
89 @Sophia_Cambodia 2,234,093
90 @Itsrajatsehgal 1,450,000
91 @utkarshmodanwal 926,169
92 @GaziSalauddinbd 707,773
93 @Nuga_72 538,550
94 @KalyanPal 524,087
95 @Safeerkhan 230,815
[96] @WesleyCh ?
97 @sumantsunny ?
98 @Bartmans ?
99 @Bere_Marichi ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, Level 7 Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @Mikeinthefalls 553,401,550
2 @FlyingTimo 281,038,783
3 @MelTG 235,404,974
4 @ysaadat 74,229,347
5 @katydarhel 41,064,292
6 @SnkEyes 39,419,731
7 @heyrye 34,786,019
8 @BrianBow 34,710,117
9 @controcanto 34,367,739
10 @SvenJacobs 31,418,443
11 @chillfiltr 23,186,528
12 @arifulhaque 23,070,891
13 @JokoEats 22,966,381
14 @karora 21,515,173
15 @jasoncugs 13,663,007
16 @highestman 13,271,531
17 @Ses_ame 11,107,752
18 @TiffanyStockstill 10,977,312
19 @AnnetteCP 10,623,052
20 @Robert24 10,116,591
21 @Gretafabris 9,908,765
22 @ChemaDieste 8,128,995
23 @MichaelCarmine 7,789,708
24 @Stevenartify 7,413,405
25 @Alex_kezevadze 7,304,388
26 @TheerapatS 5,892,311
27 @LilianRAMBU 5,835,503
28 @AsafB 5,697,555
29 @Alexandra77 5,542,772
30 @AlCooley 5,518,096
31 @Prateek_Agarwal_In 5,173,156
32 @JohnB_Outdoors 4,670,931
33 @LadisicTom 4,665,360
34 @JoelBarrett 4,080,456
35 @Ken_kimmes 3,638,044
36 @achrislive 3,618,588
37 @milindkarpe 3,022,795
38 @HeyitsNicho 2,625,720
39 @ACCoelho20 2,549,293
40 @EvaBar 2,252,340
41 @Sviller 2,237,558
42 @Filip5kovski 2,207,808
43 @Spricki1 2,068,000
44 @ekbun 2,045,549
45 @shaunakbale 2,045,086
46 @Qwksvt99 1,548,894
47 @Crossx08 1,427,382
48 @MedinaMohamed 1,259,491
49 @Ucrania 1,252,984
50 @RobertMesserPeti 1,248,142
51 @TharinDSilva 1,055,783
52 @Sverleis 1,042,341
53 @RobertaMeda 885,622
54 @yeennk 747,657
55 @Nishanthligori 725,871
56 @noheway 614,933
57 @Febrian_360 353,000
58 @Mehran-Bhutto 238,893
59 @user_not_found 103,663
60 @JASHIDRPC 1,826
61 @RobertGEsays 33
62 @SvenJacobs ?
63 You ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, Level 6 Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @amankkush 20,758,917
2 @AlekseyGapeev 18,015,118
[3] @franchisemichael 5,548,125
4 @EvanMcNeeley 3,733,031
5 @DaniQueiroz 3,190,542
6 @LDiamond 3,029,960
7 @Cercis 2,585,490
8 @KiranMiskin 1,865,129
9 @peloton52 1,842,863
10 @demarezk 1,528,435
11 @mariatancu 1,473,124
12 @BinodSingh 1,409,575
13 @sudipbohora 1,163,168
14 @BIZMapMaker 1,162,724
15 @Ashifp 225,548
16 @kvlpilote 119,365
17 @user_not_found 1,445
18 @user_not_found 721
19 You ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboard, Level 5 Local Guides (February 2023)

No Local Guide

Photo Views

1 @Goodytom 5,006,784
2 @eyusuf 1,815,230
3 @rachanadhekane 331,469
4 @eltiojulio 128,215
5 @BobbyJoe 4,096
6 @AbhixB 1,072
7 You ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Top 100 Average Views/Photo Leaderboard - All participating Local Guides (February 2023)

In this leaderboard, the photo views achievement of participating Local Guides is shown in the order of average views per photo. The essential idea here is that the average views per photo gives a good overall single measure of the quality of all of a Local Guide’s photos contributed on Google Maps; the higher the average views per photo, the higher the overall quality of the contributed photos. While there can be problems with averages, the average views per photo is a nice simple way of looking at the overall quality of our Maps photo contributions.

While it’s easier to achieve higher average views per photo at lower Local Guide levels, it’s interesting from this leaderboard that some Local Guides show much better average views per photo than Local Guides at higher Local Guide levels! For example, I’m a Level 10 Local Guide yet there are many Local Guides at lower LG levels that are out performing me in terms of overall photo quality!

If we accept that the average views per photo gives a good overall measure of a Local Guide’s photo contributions on Google Maps, then one way to improve your overall photo performance is to have less but better quality photos: the more views you have for a smaller number of photos will result in a higher average views per photo and a good way to achieve this is to have less but better quality photos for each review.

No Local Guide





1 @MelTG 7 1,352,902
2 @Mikeinthefalls 7 1,064,234
3 @Goodytom 5 556,309
4 @FlyingTimo 7 224,472
5 @Briggs 10 179,940
6 @DFX 8 169,178
7 @UncleJFeather 8 168,779
8 @gzub 10 123,619
9 @amankkush 6 115,972
10 @Maxplusfood 8 100,203
11 @TerryPG 9 93,352
12 @JordanSB 10 80,054
13 @Martin_Whitehead 8 74,702
14 @Thomson200 8 68,593
15 @photoslinger 8 67,059
16 @MattGatlin 10 58,140
17 @MortenCopenhagen 10 55,641
18 @Herve_Andrieu 10 53,658
19 @SergeySud 10 46,839
20 @TorM 10 46,528
21 @katydarhel 7 46,348
22 @SvenJacobs 7 45,600
23 @chiefzero 8 43,825
24 @JonBekkevoll 10 39,496
25 @AdrianLunsong * 9 38,254
26 @Rex_Roscoe 8 38,061
[27] @franchisemichael 6 36,988
28 @LudwigGermany * 9 36,823
29 @AlekseyGapeev 6 36,766
30 @BrianBow 7 34,641
31 @ysaadat 7 33,542
32 @JorgeSanchezMtz 8 33,089
33 @FrankEiche 9 32,449
34 @JustJake 8 32,339
35 @abermans 10 31,687
36 @SnkEyes 7 31,162
[37] @GYours 10 30,926
38 @jayasimha78 10 30,230
39 @JamesHogg 9 30,124
40 @Nd18 8 30,068
41 @CM_Kuncham 10 29,480
42 @Theatreperson 8 29,116
43 @ele 8 28,945
44 @Jomo 9 28,694
45 @Robert24 7 28,417
46 @LaloPadilla * 10 27,121
47 @RDFreeman 8 26,301
48 @DshottDennis 10 25,297
49 @DanielTh 10 24,681
50 @Chuan_Chee 10 24,282
51 @SP31 * 10 23,636
52 @turbotapeworm 10 23,515
53 @AdamGT * 10 23,447
54 @ThatJimRyan 10 23,295
55 @gadgetguyz 8 23,246
56 @jasoncugs 7 23,236
57 @R10R 8 22,825
58 @S_Patel 8 22,395
59 @DominikGehl 8 22,336
60 @arifulhaque 7 22,312
61 @MajidMadadi 10 22,272
62 @EvanMcNeeley 6 22,220
[63] @SoniaK * 9 21,493
64 @chillfiltr 7 20,429
65 @LDiamond 6 19,934
66 @Knutella 8 19,927
67 @pabloferro 8 19,618
68 @Aron_R 8 19,471
69 @PennyChristie * 10 18,644
70 @nigelfreeney 8 17,988
71 @TiffanyStockstill 7 17,734
72 @Josevieitez 8 17,501
73 @tony_b 8 17,395
74 @Ses_ame 7 17,302
75 @heyrye 7 17,272
76 @JokoEats 7 16,254
77 @TharinDSilva 7 16,243
78 @ChrisMc 8 16,173
79 @JoelBarrett 7 16,128
80 @controcanto 7 16,037
[81] @WesleyCh 8 15,650
82 @LightRich * 8 15,308
83 @Olofnh 8 15,214
84 @LuigiZ * 9 15,201
85 @eyusuf 5 15,127
86 @xmen123wood 9 14,989
87 @Calvin 8 14,744
88 @Cercis 6 14,525
89 @Chuytorres-alc 8 14,504
90 @bszzlo 9 14,361
91 @RooksieN 9 14,202
92 @Rezgar 10 14,013
93 @Benjet415 9 14,011
94 @Normalisaverage 8 13,703
95 @ModNomad 10 13,551
[96] @ZeZe 10 13,529
97 @edwin080372 9 13,269
98 @Markus75 10 12,773
99 @highestman 7 12,592
100 @Bere_Marichi 8 12,575

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]

Who are the Local Guides knocking on the door here?

No Local Guide





101 @Kayimi 9 12,489
102 @GigiR 8 12,311
103 @karora 7 12,308
104 @JSeng 10 12,034
105 @ryan_read 8 11,794
106 @AlCooley 7 11,791
107 @bigtraveller 8 11,726
108 @ValentinaCaldito 8 11,325
109 @AsafB 7 11,305
110 @OkayNiggo 8 11,238
111 You ? ? ?

[Data read at 16:45 (AEST) on 2 February, 2023]


Welcome to all new and returning participants. We have:

Local Guide Country
@A-Kwon-Fang Taiwan
@ZeZe Taiwan
@GYours United Kingdom
@AnuradhaP Sri Lanka
@WesleyCh Hong Kong
@RussKH United Kingdom
@egauer Germany
@shivam_kadwade India
@user_not_found Turkey
@AndrianakisGeorge Greece
@WorldSoloTraveler United States
@franchisemichael United States
@SoniaK * United States
@SilvyC * Argentina

And isn’t it fantastic to see another two level 10 Local Guides @MortenCopenhagen (Denmark) and @DshottDennis (New Zealand), joined by Level 9 Local Guide @TerryPG (Canada) fast approaching the entrance to that exclusive Billion Photo Views Cub!

And of course there’s @Mikeinthefalls (USA), a level 7 Local Guide already past the 0.5 BILLION photo views point and having a masterful 1 MILLION+ average views per photo.

Congratulations to everyone on the photo views leaderboards. We don’t get points for photo views but there is little doubt of the impact that each and everyone of us are having on our respective communities. Your contributions to local community are amazing and your achievements are very impressive!

You will also note that it’s full house on the Level 8 board so now it will get very interesting regarding getting onto this board from Level the 7 and falling off this board when a new Level 8 Local Guide joins or an existing Level 7 levels up. If you’d like to read more about this then see the Snakes & Ladders section of the documentation.

Please do remember to check the leaderboards for any errors or omissions. Should you find any then let me know in a comment here.


**مرحبا @AdamGT **

انا انتظر القوائم بكل اشتياق

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:


These Leaderboards get better and better, each month. Excellent work @AdamGT

You’ve truly raised the bar for all Local Guides.

Welcome to all the new participants :wave:

Wow! @MortenCopenhagen you’re almost there. Great to see that @DshottDennis and @TerryPG are also closing in on that magic 1 Billion Views! Great work & impressive numbers guys :clap:

I have FINALLY reached my long awaited goal of averaging 1 Million views per photo :partying_face: :metal:t4: thanks for the kudos @AdamGT

If I can keep up my current pace, I might join that 1 Billion club around the end of the year :crossed_fingers:

I would not have these statistics without these Leaderboards. :100:


@AdamGT wow great work Adam like always, I see you have added a section for new members on leaderboards :grin: :grin:


@Mikeinthefalls … Let me be the first to congratulate you on joining the 1M average club!!! It’s an absolute honor to share this spot with you!!! :confetti_ball: :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:

Who’s next to join us?!


Thanks so much @MelTG :blush: :blush:

It’s a pleasure to join your elusive and exclusive club!! :star_struck::partying_face:

Cheers! :clinking_glasses:


@Mikeinthefalls Congratulations :grinning:


Thanks Mo! Much appreciated! @Mo_TravelleerX :blush: :blush:


It’s great that you look forward to the leaderboards @MAHMOUDALWAN

Thanks for your appreciation @Mikeinthefalls . I raise the bar trying to keep up with the amazing contributions and outcomes of you Local Guides but it’s not so easy!

Talking about bars Mike, once again well done on your amazing average views per photo and I do wish that you achieve your end of year goal.

Thanks @Mo_TravelleerX for your continued support and appreciation.