Many Local Guides share their points achievements in individual posts here on Connect’s Achievements board, a board specifically set up to brag about this and other achievements. However, as many Local Guides have found, there are advantages to participating in and sharing your Maps contribution achievements collectively in the Top 100 Local Guides Points Leaderboards post.
No different to the Achievements board, you get the opportunity to brag about your points achievements and there’s the inherent competitive and fun element to this, but there’s more here than meets the eye! You see, the leaderboards are more than just about rankings of Local Guides! Here are just some of the benefits of participating:
You get a much better and easier comparative analysis of your points achievements with your peers, that is, Local Guides at your own Local Guide level.
You can gain a way to better monitor and chart the progress of your your contributions over time.
You have access to a deeper analysis of your points achievements, and
You can quickly gain an as-you-go health check that can highlight issues with your contributions.
And, you don’t have to be a “top gun” Level 10 Local Guide with millions of points to participate! There are leaderboards for each Local Guide level so anyone can join in and yes, you can too and it’s simple to do, just hit this link to register or if you want to know more then see this How-to post by @AZ_2021.
Briefly, this is what you need to know about the leaderboards in this post. For more details see the leaderboard documentation:
The leaderboards present details about the Local Guide points of hundreds of participating Local Guides from all over the world. As well as an overall leaderboard ranking the top 100 Local Guides by points, you will see leaderboards for different Local Guide levels which lend themselves to better comparisons of your points achievement with your peers.
Where shown, around leaderboard sequence numbers indicate that this is the first time that the Local Guide has participated on the Top 100 leaderboards.
An asterisk (*) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Connect Moderator.
Double asterisks (**) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Googler.
A ? or the words “Not set” in a cell indicates that the respective value hasn’t been provided by or cannot be determined for the respective Local Guide.
Selecting any of the Connect Usernames will take you to that Local Guide’s Connect Profile.
Local Guides included in the leaderboards must check their entries for any errors. If you should find any errors or omissions, please add the details in a comment on this post. Regarding omissions, please note point 5 above.
A warm welcome to the following Local Guides joining us on the points leaderboards this month. We all hope that you enjoy the fun and friendly competitive side of the leaderboards while at the same time learning how to improve the quality of your contributions and the reach and impact that they have on your community.
Thanks for your continued deep checking @tony_b . During the monthly updating/posting process my head is down and I have to take the data entered by Local Guides at face value and these sorts of errors effect other leaderboards e.g. photo views I will try correct this and also add the points at each level in the headings of each of the leaderboards as I did last month. I just forgot to do this, this time round! There’s just so much to do and my check and to-do lists are insane
Well done @Diplomat_Peter on joining the leaderboards and claiming your spot on both the points and photo views leaderboards. Maybe we’ll also see you on the star photo leaderboards which, time permitting we’ll hopefully see soon.
Now that you have joined the leaderboards, please keep in mind that while there is that fun and friendly competitive element in them, as there is in the whole Local Guides program, and while it’s useful to compare your contributions and results with others, and especially with your peers that is Local Guides at our own level, it’s more important that you learn how to use the leaderboards to help you monitor your own contributions and the outcomes that you achieve, and how you can improve on the quality of your contributions to achieve even better outcomes. This is where the powerful tabulations and charting and other extensions in the Top 100 System will be of great help. I hope this makes sense.
As well as reading and checking the leaderboards when they are posted, I highly recommend that you read and join in where you can, on the commentary that follows. You will learn a lot from this.
We look forward to seeing you grow as a Local Guide!
Wow @TravellerG , a trillion thanks, I could not possibly expect more!
Thank you for your continued appreciation and I am really happy to hear that you are studying the statistics and that this is helping you. As I have mentioned so many times and in fact I only just mentioned this in my reply to @Diplomat_Peter , to my mind, this is the most important point of all this; the leaderboards are more than just about ranking of Local Guides!