Top 100 Local Guides Points Leaderboards (April 2023)

T100 Points April.gif

Many Local Guides share their points achievements in individual posts here on Connect’s Achievements board, a board specifically set up to brag about this and other achievements. However, as many Local Guides have found, there are advantages to participating in and sharing your Maps contribution achievements collectively in the Top 100 Local Guides Points Leaderboards post.

No different to the Achievements board, you get the opportunity to brag about your points achievements and there’s the inherent competitive and fun element to this, but there’s more here than meets the eye! You see, the leaderboards are more than just about rankings of Local Guides! Here are just some of the benefits of participating:

  1. You get a much better and easier comparative analysis of your points achievements with your peers, that is, Local Guides at your own Local Guide level.
  2. You can gain a way to better monitor and chart the progress of your contributions over time.
  3. You have access to a deeper analysis of your points achievements, and
  4. You can quickly gain an as-you-go health check that can highlight issues with your contributions.

And, you don’t have to be a “top gun” Level 10 Local Guide with millions of points to participate! There are leaderboards for each Local Guide level so anyone can join in and yes, you can too and it’s simple to do, just hit this link to register or if you want to know more then see this How-to post by @AZ_2021.


Reading the Points leaderboards (April 2023)

Briefly, this is what you need to know about the leaderboards in this post. For more details see the leaderboard documentation:

  1. The leaderboards present details about the Local Guide points of hundreds of participating Local Guides from all over the world. As well as an overall leaderboard ranking the top 100 Local Guides by points, you will see leaderboards for different Local Guide levels which lend themselves to better comparisons of your points achievement with your peers.
  2. Where shown, around leaderboard sequence numbers indicate that this is the first time that the Local Guide has participated on the Top 100 leaderboards.
  3. An asterisk (*) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Connect Moderator.
  4. Double asterisks (**) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Googler.
  5. A ? or the words “Not set” in a cell indicates that the respective value hasn’t been provided by or cannot be determined for the respective Local Guide.
  6. Selecting any of the Connect Usernames will take you to that Local Guide’s Connect Profile.
  7. Local Guides included in the leaderboards must check their entries for any errors. If you should find any errors or omissions, please add the details in a comment on this post. Regarding omissions, please note point 5 above.

Top 100 Points Leaderboard, All Local Guide Levels (April 2023)

No Local Guide




1 @Bartek_Maryniak 10 1,533,333
2 @ModNomad 10 1,255,180
3 @Herve_Andrieu 10 1,010,841
4 @PaDeSSo 10 667,372
5 @ttomu2 10 621,666
6 @MortenCopenhagen 10 537,007
7 @YasumiKikuchi 10 534,575
8 @TorM 10 521,452
9 @manulc 10 416,022
10 @MajidMadadi 10 345,790
11 @A-Kwon-Fang 10 340,285
12 @jayasimha78 10 328,126
13 @DshottDennis 10 327,331
14 @TravellerG 10 317,253
15 @Lssong 10 289,471
16 @SergeySud 10 286,056
17 @MarkAuchincloss 10 283,242
18 @AdamGT 10 276,460
19 @ZeZe 10 270,845
20 @indahnuria 10 262,243
21 @KashifMisidia 10 257,683
22 @BudiFXW 10 244,859
23 @HsRawal 10 240,229
24 @JonBekkevoll 10 238,080
25 @Jesi 10 210,945
26 @ogewuru 10 205,150
27 @JordanSB 10 199,327
28 @DanielTh 10 186,627
29 @rajpod85 10 184,848
30 @Briggs 10 179,907
31 @LaloPadilla 10 179,644
32 @Dimri_praveen 10 174,274
33 @amandhayal 10 173,673
34 @RussKH 10 164,978
35 @abermans 10 158,883
36 @AntonioVirgil 10 157,022
37 @Sagir 10 153,689
38 @AlexanderKudrin 10 150,342
39 @turbotapeworm 10 144,440
40 @Vinvan 10 143,860
41 @CM_Kuncham 10 142,763
42 @ThatJimRyan 10 140,350
43 @JOSEWET 10 137,749
44 @JSeng 10 137,606
45 @AZ_2021 10 135,555
46 @Michael-Groves 10 133,852
47 @SP31 10 128,096
[48] @MehadeHasan 10 127,585
49 @MattGatlin 10 125,084
50 @Muhammad_Usman 10 123,569
51 @kessc 10 122,086
[52] @FlavioDA 10 121,833
53 @TonyAlexander 10 120,053
54 @Rezgar 10 119,530
55 @gzub 10 119,428
56 @Chuan_Chee 10 118,429
57 @AmbrishVarshney 10 116,299
58 @MAHMOUDALWAN 10 114,378
59 @Markus75 10 113,662
60 @BorislavA 10 112,090
61 @Lukas_ 10 110,134
62 @SilvyC 10 110,005
63 @Kurt2day 10 109,619
64 @Hana_Kobzova 10 109,492
65 @GYours 10 107,964
66 @Ramamoorthy123 10 107,615
67 @JuwarniPawuh 10 106,230
68 @Gezendunyali 10 104,749
69 @PennyChristie 10 104,624
70 @ValeriaA_ 10 104,530
71 @Ruslan_Asgarov 10 104,362
72 @TheLifesWay 10 100,977
73 @LuisMGonzalez 10 100,971
74 @Jomo 10 100,186
75 @TerryPG 9 98,159
76 @SamanthaSheehy 9 95,941
77 @avadhoot141 9 92,649
78 @AnuradhaP 9 92,336
79 @DENIT33 9 89,119
80 @user_not_found 9 88,681
81 @LudwigGermany 9 86,703
82 @MahbubIslam 9 85,870
83 @Trail_blazer 9 82,290
84 @RooksieN 9 79,096
85 @oviabhi 9 78,990
86 @ReshamDas 9 77,797
87 @Teana_K 9 77,636
88 @akhil_raj 9 76,699
89 @Ian_Fry 9 76,599
90 @bszzlo 9 76,194
91 @JayDae-SuVega 9 76,062
92 @Smith-Woratat 9 75,959
93 @mbmuhlison 9 74,527
94 @Aboyahia70 9 73,704
95 @snjsharma 9 71,263
96 @egauer 9 69,678
97 @xmen123wood 9 69,312
98 @Chacho 9 68,851
99 @SoniaK 9 67,999
100 @AT_Rome 9 67,359

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]

Who are the Local Guides knocking on the door here?

No Local Guide




101 @GUDDUSINGH37 9 66,412
102 @VictorRamos24 9 65,691
103 @BK_GAJENDRA 9 64,149
104 @david_furman 9 63,524
105 @Mo-TravelleerX 9 63,363
106 @turaibalazs 9 63,354
107 @Kahnster 9 63,154
108 @Benjet415 9 62,558
109 @Kayimi 9 62,178
110 @CasGroenigen 9 61,955
111 You ? ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


Top 100 Points Leaderboard Level 10 Local Guides (April 2023)

No Local Guide


(100,000+ points)

1 @Bartek_Maryniak 1,533,333
2 @ModNomad 1,255,180
3 @Herve_Andrieu 1,010,841
4 @PaDeSSo 667,372
5 @ttomu2 621,666
6 @MortenCopenhagen 537,007
7 @YasumiKikuchi 534,575
8 @TorM * 521,452
9 @manulc 416,022
10 @MajidMadadi 345,790
11 @A-Kwon-Fang 340,285
12 @jayasimha78 328,126
13 @DshottDennis 327,331
14 @TravellerG 317,253
15 @Lssong 289,471
16 @SergeySud 286,056
17 @MarkAuchincloss 283,242
18 @AdamGT * 276,460
19 @ZeZe 270,845
20 @indahnuria * 262,243
21 @KashifMisidia * 257,683
22 @BudiFXW 244,859
23 @HsRawal 240,229
24 @JonBekkevoll 238,080
25 @Jesi * 210,945
26 @ogewuru 205,150
27 @JordanSB * 199,327
28 @DanielTh 186,627
29 @rajpod85 184,848
30 @Briggs 179,907
31 @LaloPadilla * 179,644
32 @Dimri_praveen 174,274
33 @amandhayal 173,673
34 @RussKH 164,978
35 @abermans 158,883
36 @AntonioVirgil 157,022
37 @Sagir * 153,689
38 @AlexanderKudrin 150,342
39 @turbotapeworm 144,440
40 @Vinvan 143,860
41 @CM_Kuncham 142,763
42 @ThatJimRyan 140,350
43 @JOSEWET 137,749
44 @JSeng 137,606
45 @AZ_2021 135,555
46 @Michael-Groves 133,852
47 @SP31 * 128,096
48 @MehadeHasan 127,585
49 @MattGatlin 125,084
50 @Muhammad_Usman 123,569
51 @kessc 122,086
[52] @FlavioDA 121,833
53 @TonyAlexander 120,053
54 @Rezgar 119,530
55 @gzub 119,428
56 @Chuan_Chee 118,429
57 @AmbrishVarshney 116,299
58 @MAHMOUDALWAN 114,378
59 @Markus75 113,662
60 @BorislavA 112,090
61 @Lukas_ 110,134
62 @SilvyC * 110,005
63 @Kurt2day 109,619
64 @Hana_Kobzova 109,492
65 @GYours 107,964
66 @Ramamoorthy123 107,615
67 @JuwarniPawuh 106,230
68 @Gezendunyali 104,749
69 @PennyChristie * 104,624
70 @ValeriaA_ 104,530
71 @Ruslan_Asgarov 104,362
72 @TheLifesWay 100,977
73 @LuisMGonzalez 100,971
74 @Jomo 100,186
75 You ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


Top 100 Points Leaderboard Level 9 Local Guides (April 2023)

No Local Guide


(50,000 - 99,999)

1 @TerryPG 98,159
2 @SamanthaSheehy 95,941
3 @avadhoot141 92,649
4 @AnuradhaP 92,336
5 @DENIT33 89,119
6 @shivakhanal 88,681
7 @LudwigGermany * 86,703
8 @MahbubIslam 85,870
9 @Trail_blazer 82,290
10 @RooksieN 79,096
11 @oviabhi 78,990
12 @ReshamDas 77,797
13 @Teana_K 77,636
14 @akhil_raj 76,699
15 @Ian_Fry 76,599
16 @bszzlo 76,194
17 @JayDae-SuVega 76,062
18 @Smith-Woratat 75,959
19 @mbmuhlison 74,527
20 @Aboyahia70 73,704
21 @snjsharma 71,263
22 @egauer 69,678
23 @xmen123wood 69,312
24 @Chacho 68,851
25 @SoniaK * 67,999
26 @AT_Rome 67,359
27 @GUDDUSINGH37 66,412
28 @VictorRamos24 65,691
29 @BK_GAJENDRA 64,149
30 @david_furman 63,524
31 @Mo-TravelleerX 63,363
32 @turaibalazs 63,354
33 @Kahnster 63,154
34 @Benjet415 62,558
35 @Kayimi 62,178
36 @CasGroenigen 61,955
37 @iantresman 61,733
38 @christophesubilia 61,456
39 @NewtonP 60,925
40 @RohitGahlot 60,225
41 @Jarif_Mahbub 59,898
42 @Samehabosaif75 59,463
43 @jahzzy 58,923
44 @AdrianLunsong * 58,914
45 @JamesHogg 58,521
46 @edwin080372 58,428
47 @dbateser 58,192
48 @JaneBurunina * 57,468
49 @SebaasC 56,962
50 @Ducci 55,833
51 @WesleyCh 55,543
52 @FrankEiche 54,975
53 @OmerAli * 54,069
54 @kasunaaa 53,943
55 @amittiwari 53,068
56 @selormOnray 52,778
57 @Atizol 52,773
58 @Geethapriya 52,550
59 @sabangla14 51,871
60 @LuigiZ * 51,556
61 @travellite 50,450
62 You ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


Top 100 Points Leaderboard Level 8 Local Guides (April 2023)

No Local Guide


(15,000 - 49,999)

1 @FraTaff 49,560
2 @R10R 48,802
3 @DFX 46,597
4 @PrateekAgarwal 46,456
5 @Kinjalchhaya 45,198
6 @NahidHossain 44,733
7 @photoslinger 43,638
8 @shivam_kadwade 43,622
9 @Ratnaker 43,171
10 @Josevieitez 41,662
11 @Olofnh 38,531
12 @bozkarakasli 36,947
13 @AnithaM 36,907
14 @ajitthite 36,738
15 @anandBC1983 36,547
16 @Martin_Whitehead 35,655
17 @JuanMamani98 34,956
18 @Maxplusfood 34,918
19 @ChrisMc 33,906
20 @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe 33,904
21 @nigelfreeney 33,740
22 @Normalisaverage 33,716
23 @proveloin 33,375
24 @Stephanie_OWL 33,236
25 @JustJake 32,967
26 @Saddam_1 32,749
27 @ele 32,233
28 @Mohdmohdaljaman 31,156
29 @MinVN 30,184
[30] @VictorLins 29,952
31 @Aron_R 29,869
32 @Suvi 29,841
33 @Omarfahd 29,085
34 @tony_b 29,027
35 @Osama_El_Maghrby 28,843
36 @MrRogelioG 28,031
37 @LightRich * 27,937
38 @Maximilianozalazar 27,633
39 @OkayNiggo 27,522
40 @Rahul001 27,398
41 @Bere_Marichi 27,359
42 @Heraksimus 25,850
43 @GigiR 25,585
44 @ValentinaCaldito 25,417
45 @Sophia_Cambodia 25,287
46 @chiefzero 25,090
47 @Rosa 25,058
48 @DominikGehl 24,313
49 @gadgetguyz 24,087
50 @Blexi 23,997
51 @RDFreeman 23,742
52 @SabbirShawon 23,469
53 @tunaontour 23,410
54 @Itsrajatsehgal 23,231
55 @Dave26 23,224
56 @DũngVN0 23,122
57 @Webzine-Voyage 22,924
58 @Calvin 22,897
59 @bfaloona 22,664
60 @Thomson2– 22,592
61 @KalyanPal 22,518
62 @rupgo 22,471
63 @pabloferro 21,601
64 @aRvInD-Gr 21,239
65 @AndrianakisGeorge 21,199
66 @bigtraveller 21,109
67 @JorgeSanchezMtz 21,036
68 @ryan_read 20,965
69 @Chuytorres-alc 20,826
70 @Amit_21007 20,707
71 @MiKe6 20,448
72 @QueBall 20,315
73 @shahinurime 20,210
74 @Theatreperson 20,145
75 @Bartmans 19,675
76 @Gurukrishnapriya 19,184
77 @gulgi 18,787
78 @Obaidur_Rahman 18,735
79 @S_Patel 18,590
80 @alainrc2005 18,431
81 @wapretorius 18,337
82 @edipratu 18,135
83 @UncleJFeather 17,993
84 @Safeerkhan 17,845
85 @lAth0m 17,609
86 @FedericoGama 17,116
87 @WorldSoloTraveler 16,729
88 @Nuga_72 16,455
89 @GaziSalauddinbd 16,168
90 @BhandariR 16,121
91 @Rex_Roscoe 16,093
92 @szliuyun2011 16,004
93 @PrinzRoland 16,003
94 @Nd18 15,971
[95] @franzo 15,881
96 @Omghanna 15,858
97 @Knutella 15,665
98 @utkarshmodanwal 15,137
99 @profek412 15,061
100 @ChrisGledhill_ 15,009

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]

Who are the Local Guides knocking on the door here?

No Local Guide


(15,000 - 49,999)

101 You ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


Top 100 Points Leaderboard Level 7 Local Guides (April 2023)

No Local Guide


(5,000 - 14,999)

1 @karora 14,928
[2] @Marillo 14,227
3 @ChemaDieste 13,924
4 @controcanto 13,922
5 @Stevenartify 13,895
6 @JokoEats 13,894
7 @heyrye 13,666
8 @Mehran-Bhutto 13,471
9 @Ses_ame 12,928
10 @ysaadat 12,656
11 @jasoncugs 12,652
12 @Ucrania 12,431
13 @BrianBow 12,053
14 @Gretafabris 11,816
15 @shaunakbale 11,679
16 @Alex_Kezevadze 11,621
17 @Ken_kimmes 11,505
18 @TiffanyStockstill 11,431
19 @Alexandra77 11,423
20 @Mikeinthefalls 11,411
21 @Raggafreak 11,296
22 @JASHIDRPC 11,246
23 @Sviller 11,172
24 @ACCoelho20 11,134
25 @highestman 11,011
26 @LadisicTom 10,934
27 @MichaelCarmine 10,469
28 @AnnetteCP 10,243
29 @Nishanthligori 10,067
30 @LilianRAMBU 9,913
31 @RenanSavidan 9,791
32 @EvaBar 9,711
33 @Robert24 9,683
34 @ekbun 9,520
[35] @monkeyass0374 9,240
36 @MelTG 9,106
37 @Tovi 8,976
38 @SnkEyes 8,845
39 @Filip5kovski 8,841
40 @JohnB_Outdoors 8,769
41 @MedinaMohamed 8,763
42 @FlyingTimo 8,735
43 @achrislive 8,254
44 @Spricki1 8,217
45 @Crossx08 8,203
46 @Prince_Kumar 8,065
47 @RobertGEsays 8,037
48 @Berno_Foodoso 7,946
49 @AlCooley 7,770
50 @chillfiltr 7,765
51 @milindkarpe 7,712
52 @katydarhel 7,692
53 @Pranavtrivedi 7,667
54 @Febrian_360 7,641
55 @noheway 7,465
56 @Jean-IgnaceBE 7,233
57 @arifulhaque 6,897
58 @AsafB 6,861
59 @Prateek_Agarwal_In 6,822
60 @SvenJacobs 6,605
61 @dezcel 6,314
62 @Qwksvt99 6,271
63 @TheerapatS 6,215
64 @Diplomat_Peter 6,041
65 @yeennk 5,754
66 @TharinDSilva 5,622
67 @RobertMesserPeti 5,508
[68] @bthomas24 5,265
69 @Sverleis 5,212
70 @HeyitsNicho 5,093
71 @RobertaMeda 5,065
72 @peloton52 5,057
73 @JoelBarrett 5,040
74 You ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


Top 100 Points Leaderboard Level 6 Local Guides (April 2023)

No Local Guide


(1,500 - 4,999)

1 @mariatancu 4,483
2 @DaniQueiroz 4,467
3 @demarezk 4,171
4 @sudipbohora 4,149
5 @DavidDennison 3,665
6 @AlekseyGapeev 3,420
7 @KiranMiskin 3,372
8 @BIZMapMaker 3,113
9 @Cercis 3,041
10 @BinodSingh 2,977
11 @user_not_found 2,918
12 @LDiamond 2,612
13 @amankkush 2,580
14 @kvlpilote 2,210
15 @Ashifp 2,191
16 @franchisemichael 2,063
17 @user_not_found 1,950
18 @EvanMcNeeley 1,934
19 You ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


Top 100 Points Leaderboard Level 5 Local Guides (April 2023)

No Local Guide


(500 - 1,499)

1 @eyusuf 1,350
2 @AbhixB 1,263
3 @rachanadhekane 1,163
4 @eltiojulio 1,058
5 @BobbyJoe 749
6 You ? ?

[Data read at 12:25 on 4 April 2023 (AEST)]


A warm welcome to the following 7 Local Guides joining us on the points leaderboards this month. We all hope that you enjoy the fun and friendly competitive side of the leaderboards while at the same time learning how to improve the quality of your contributions and the reach and impact that they have on your community.

Congratulations also to the following 3 leaderboard jumpers

Local Guide From Level To Level
@TheLifesWay 9 10
@Jomo 9 10
@GYours 9 10

Each of these events impact on the makeup of the points leaderboards and the position of many Local Guides on them.


The following Local Guides registered in March for participation but didn’t enter their data, which is easily done by using the Top 100 System. If you are having any problems do let us know by way of a comment here and I or one of the advanced users will jump in to help you. Hoping you’ll update your data before the end of April so that we’ll see you on the May leaderboards.


Dear, @AdamGT @thank you for the welcome, it’s nice to see my name along with so many others. I wanted to mention that, since Sunday, I have been promoted to Level 8, having exceeded 15,000 points, but the system related to my profile does not allow me to upgrade. How can I do?


Congratulations @Marillo on levelling up to Level 8. Try updating your Maps data now and then revisit your profile :wink: Let me know how it goes.


This content has been removed.


Welcome on board glad you all made it to the leaderboards :smiley: :smile:

@MehadeHasan @bthomas24 @monkeyass0374 @Marillo @franzo @VictorLins @FlavioDA


Thank you @AdamGT :grin: I’m trying to do it the soonest possible :smiley:


مرحبا@Adam LG,دوما مبدع نرجو لك التوفيق.عملك رائع وفعلا فيه تعب كثير.هذا يدل على أخلاقك في عملك وحبك للمنتدى الإملاء.شكرا والى الامام.ليبقى العالم أسهل. انظف وننشر المحبه للجميع.تحياتي لك


Congratulations to all of you and have fun contributing @Mo_TravelleerX et all



Is there a way to delete our own message ? Instead of editing it ?

1 Like

No @Kurt2day , the only way is to edit your message and change it to something relevant.