This post is where you can share your Google Maps points achievements with fellow Local Guides and no, you don’t have to be a “top gun” Level 10 Local Guide with millions of points to participate! The leaderboards have been specifically designed so as to create a bit of a level playing field (Top 100 leaderboards for each Local Guide level) so that Local Guides at any level can join in and yes, you can too and it’s simple to do!! To find out more and learn how you can join in just hit this link and to see last month’s Top 100 Points leaderboards visit this post.
1 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - All participating Local Guides (April, 2022)
The leaderboard below shows the top 100 points ranking of all participating Local Guides as at 8 April, 2022 and follows on from the previous equivalent leaderboard posted on 1 February, 2022. The leaderboards immediately following this show this overall leaderboard broken down into individual leaderboards for each Local Guide level so that you can see and compare your photo views relative to that of your peers. Briefly this is what you need to know about this and each of the following leaderboards in this post.
- enclosing sequence numbers indicate Local Guides who joined the leaderboards since 15 January, 2022
- An * against a Connect Username indicates that the Local Guide is a Connect Moderator.
- Double asterisks (**) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Googler.
- If there are any errors or if you are not listed but think that you should have been then mention this in a comment on this post.
- If you’re not on the leaderboards but wish to be then hit this link
- Selecting any of the Connect Usernames will take you to that Local Guide’s Connect Profile.
No | Local Guide | LG Level |
Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @Bartek_Maryniak | 10 | 1,499,999 |
2 | @ModNomad | 10 | 1,252,975 |
3 | @Herve_Andrieu | 10 | 982,215 |
4 | @PaDeSSo | 10 | 635,536 |
5 | @ttomu2 | 10 | 621,666 |
6 | @YasumiKikuchi | 10 | 534,575 |
7 | @TorM | 10 | 458,199 |
8 | @MortenCopenhagen | 10 | 416,915 |
9 | @MajidMadadi | 10 | 345,790 |
10 | @TravellerG | 10 | 300,334 |
11 | @jayasimha78 | 10 | 284,792 |
12 | @AdamGT | 10 | 272,045 |
13 | @BudiFXW | 10 | 240,319 |
14 | @KashifMisidia | 10 | 236,906 |
15 | @JonBekkevoll | 10 | 223,968 |
16 | @indahnuria | 10 | 199,131 |
17 | @JordanSB | 10 | 194,981 |
18 | @Jesi | 10 | 189,774 |
19 | @amandhayal | 10 | 152,015 |
20 | @AlexanderKudrin | 10 | 150,342 |
21 | @LaloPadilla | 10 | 150,023 |
22 | @Sagir | 10 | 143,507 |
23 | @JOSEWET | 10 | 137,749 |
24 | @CM_Kuncham | 10 | 133,734 |
25 | @rajpod85 | 10 | 130,920 |
26 | @ThatJimRyan | 10 | 129,054 |
27 | @turbotapeworm | 10 | 126,367 |
28 | @Muhammad_Usman | 10 | 123,569 |
29 | @MattGatlin | 10 | 121,438 |
30 | @SP31 | 10 | 121,186 |
31 | @TonyAlexander | 10 | 120,053 |
32 | @Rezgar | 10 | 119,530 |
33 | @kessc | 10 | 114,983 |
34 | @Chuan_Chee | 10 | 113,051 |
35 | @Lukas_ | 10 | 110,134 |
36 | @DALELK | 10 | 108,096 |
37 | @Markus75 | 10 | 106,682 |
38 | @JuwarniPawuh | 10 | 106,230 |
39 | @AZ_2021 | 10 | 103,859 |
40 | @Ramamoorthy123 | 10 | 100,583 |
41 | @PennyChristie | 10 | 100,279 |
42 | @MAHMOUDALWAN | 10 | 100,159 |
43 | @avadhoot141 | 9 | 92,649 |
44 | @ValeriaA_ | 9 | 91,759 |
45 | @StephenLammens | 9 | 91,279 |
46 | @Brian_D | 9 | 90,392 |
47 | @Terrypg | 9 | 85,924 |
48 | @MahbubIslam | 9 | 85,870 |
49 | @Wintask | 9 | 83,642 |
50 | @Gezendunyali | 9 | 82,603 |
51 | @oviabhi | 9 | 78,990 |
52 | @ReshamDas | 9 | 77,797 |
53 | @LuisMGonzalez | 9 | 77,586 |
54 | @akhil_raj | 9 | 76,699 |
55 | @TheLifesWay | 9 | 75,240 |
56 | @Jean-IgnaceBE | 9 | 75,011 |
57 | @LudwigGermany | 9 | 74,433 |
58 | @Chacho | 9 | 68,851 |
59 | @RooksieN | 9 | 65,172 |
60 | @BK_GAJENDRA | 9 | 64,149 |
61 | @AT_Rome | 9 | 63,104 |
62 | @Kahnster | 9 | 61,247 |
63 | @RohitGahlot | 9 | 60,225 |
64 | @Samehabosaif75 | 9 | 59,463 |
65 | @jahzzy | 9 | 58,923 |
66 | @edwin080372 | 9 | 58,428 |
67 | @dbateser | 9 | 58,192 |
68 | @JaneBurunina | 9 | 57,468 |
69 | @Mo-TravelleerX | 9 | 57,455 |
70 | @SebaasC | 9 | 56,962 |
71 | @Teana_K | 9 | 56,267 |
72 | @OmerAli | 9 | 54,069 |
73 | @kasunaaa | 9 | 53,943 |
74 | @amittiwari | 9 | 53,068 |
75 | @selormOnray | 9 | 52,778 |
76 | @Atizol | 9 | 52,773 |
77 | @Geethapriya | 9 | 52,550 |
78 | @sabangla14 | 9 | 51,871 |
79 | @AdrianLunsong | 9 | 51,394 |
80 | @JayDae-SuVega | 9 | 51,141 |
81 | @travellite | 9 | 50,450 |
82 | @VictorRamos24 | 9 | 50,017 |
83 | @MuhammadBakrMuhlison | 8 | 49,044 |
84 | @R10R | 8 | 48,802 |
85 | @turaibalazs | 8 | 48,780 |
86 | @PrateekAgarwal | 8 | 46,456 |
87 | @DFX | 8 | 44,135 |
88 | @Ratnaker | 8 | 42,557 |
89 | @LuigiZ | 8 | 36,386 |
90 | @JuanMamani98 | 8 | 34,956 |
91 | @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe | 8 | 33,904 |
92 | @kinjalchhaya | 8 | 33,800 |
93 | @Ducci | 8 | 33,233 |
94 | @Maxplusfood | 8 | 33,197 |
95 | @Martin_Whitehead | 8 | 32,960 |
96 | @ele | 8 | 32,233 |
97 | @Stephanie_OWL | 8 | 29,853 |
98 | @Suvi | 8 | 29,841 |
99 | @Omarfahd | 8 | 29,085 |
100 | @Osama_El_Maghrby | 8 | 28,843 |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
2 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - The Movers and Shakers (April, 2021)
* Coming to a screen near you soon
So sorry but just ran out of time to complete this
3 - Top 100 Points by Country Leaderboard - All participating Local Guides (April, 2022)
When it comes to the Top 100 Local Guides leaderboards, I’ve always tried to create a level playing field and, as described here in the leaderboard documentation, this is why I have top 100 leaderboards for each of the different Local Guide levels. We need to also recognize that bigger cities like London, New York, Paris and Delhi, have more potential Points of Interest (POIs) to review and take photos of, and some very popular POIs like the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty which would attract significantly more views.
It follows therefore, that Local Guides in these larger cities would have greater opportunities for making Maps contributions, both reviews and photos, and would likely more easily gain more points and views than Local Guides in the smaller cities, towns and villages. While it is not possible here on Connect for the top 100 leaderboards to drill down into different cities, towns and villages, I thought at least we should have a leaderboard of top 100 photo views by country, and this is what the following leaderboard is about.
No | Local Guide | LG Level |
Country |
Photo Views |
1 | @Bartek_Maryniak | 10 | 1,499,999 | |
2 | @ModNomad | 10 | 1,252,975 | |
3 | @Herve_Andrieu | 10 | 982,215 | |
4 | @PaDeSSo | 10 | 635,536 | |
5 | @ttomu2 | 10 | 621,666 | |
6 | @TorM * | 10 | 458,199 | |
7 | @MortenCopenhagen | 10 | 416,915 | |
8 | @MajidMadadi | 10 | 345,790 | |
9 | @AdamGT * | 10 | 272,045 | |
10 | @Kashifmisidia | 10 | 236,906 | |
11 | @JonBekkevoll | 10 | 223,968 | |
12 | @Jesi * | 10 | 189,774 | |
13 | @AlexanderKudrin | 10 | 150,342 | |
14 | @LaloPadilla * | 10 | 150,023 | |
15 | @Sagir * | 10 | 143,507 | |
16 | @CM_Kuncham | 10 | 133,734 | |
17 | @turbotapeworm | 10 | 126,367 | |
18 | @kessc | 10 | 114,983 | |
19 | @Lukas_ | 10 | 110,134 | |
20 | @DALELK | 10 | 108,096 | |
21 | @Markus75 | 10 | 106,682 | |
22 | @MAHMOUDALWAN | 10 | 100,159 | |
23 | @StephenLammens | 9 | 91,279 | |
24 | @MahbubIslam | 9 | 85,870 | |
25 | @TheLifesWay | 9 | 75,240 | |
26 | @Chacho | 9 | 68,851 | |
27 | @AT_Rome | 9 | 63,104 | |
28 | @edwin080372 | 9 | 58,428 | |
29 | @JaneBurunina | 9 | 57,468 | |
30 | @kasunaaa | 9 | 53,943 | |
31 | @selormOnray | 9 | 52,778 | |
32 | @Atizol | 9 | 52,773 | |
33 | @AdrianLunsong * | 9 | 51,394 | |
34 | @turaibalazs | 8 | 48,780 | |
35 | @Omarfahd | 8 | 29,085 | |
36 | @tony_b | 8 | 25,632 | |
37 | @Sophia_20 | 8 | 25,287 | |
38 | @pabloferro | 8 | 21,601 | |
39 | @MiKe6 | 8 | 20,448 | |
40 | @alainrc2005 | 8 | 18,431 | |
41 | @lAth0m | 8 | 15,975 | |
42 | @Bartmans | 7 | 13,043 | |
43 | @LadisicTom | 7 | 10,934 | |
44 | @MichaelCarmine | 7 | 10,469 | |
45 | @LilianRAMBU | 7 | 9,913 | |
46 | @ekbun | 7 | 9,520 | |
47 | @Robert24 | 7 | 8,929 | |
48 | @achrislive | 7 | 8,254 | |
49 | @Crossx08 | 7 | 8,203 | |
50 | @Alexkezevadze | 7 | 8,112 | |
51 | @ACCoelho20 | 7 | 7,536 | |
52 | @noheway | 7 | 7,465 | |
53 | @TheerapatS | 7 | 6,215 | |
54 | @AlekseyGapeev | 6 | 3,420 | |
55 | @kvlpilote | 6 | 2,210 | |
56 | @Ashifp | 6 | 2,191 | |
57 | You ? | ? | ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
4 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - Participating Level 10 Local Guides (April, 2022)
No | Local Guide | Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @Bartek_Maryniak | 1,499,999 |
2 | @ModNomad | 1,252,975 |
3 | @Herve_Andrieu | 982,215 |
4 | @PaDeSSo | 635,536 |
5 | @ttomu2 | 621,666 |
6 | @YasumiKikuchi | 534,575 |
7 | @TorM * | 458,199 |
8 | @MortenCopenhagen | 416,915 |
9 | @MajidMadadi | 345,790 |
10 | @TravellerG | 300,334 |
11 | @jayasimha78 | 284,792 |
12 | @AdamGT * | 272,045 |
13 | @BudiFXW | 240,319 |
14 | @Kashifmisidia | 236,906 |
15 | @JonBekkevoll | 223,968 |
16 | @Indahnuria * | 199,131 |
17 | @JordanSB * | 194,981 |
18 | @Jesi * | 189,774 |
19 | @amandhayal | 152,015 |
20 | @AlexanderKudrin | 150,342 |
21 | @LaloPadilla * | 150,023 |
22 | @Sagir * | 143,507 |
23 | @JOSEWET | 137,749 |
24 | @CM_Kuncham | 133,734 |
25 | @rajpod85 | 130,920 |
26 | @ThatJimRyan | 129,054 |
27 | @turbotapeworm | 126,367 |
28 | @Muhammad_Usman | 123,569 |
29 | @MattGatlin | 121,438 |
30 | @SP31 * | 121,186 |
31 | @TonyAlexander | 120,053 |
32 | @Rezgar | 119,530 |
33 | @kessc | 114,983 |
34 | @Chuan_Chee | 113,051 |
35 | @Lukas_ | 110,134 |
36 | @DALELK | 108,096 |
37 | @Markus75 | 106,682 |
38 | @JuwarniPawuh | 106,230 |
39 | @AZ_2021 | 103,859 |
40 | @Ramamoorthy123 | 100,583 |
41 | @PennyChristie * | 100,279 |
42 | @MAHMOUDALWAN | 100,159 |
43 | You ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
5 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - Participating Level 9 Local Guides (April, 2022)
No | Local Guide | Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @avadhoot141 | 92,649 |
2 | @ValeriaA | 91,759 |
3 | @Stphn | 91,279 |
4 | @GYours | 90,392 |
5 | @Terrypg | 85,924 |
6 | @MahbubIslam | 85,870 |
7 | @Wintask | 83,642 |
8 | @Gezendunyali | 82,603 |
9 | @oviabhi | 78,990 |
10 | @ReshamDas | 77,797 |
11 | @LuisMGonzalez | 77,586 |
12 | @akhil_raj | 76,699 |
13 | @TheLifesWay | 75,240 |
14 | @Jean-IgnaceBE | 75,011 |
15 | @LudwigGermany | 74,433 |
16 | @Chacho | 68,851 |
17 | @RooksieN | 65,172 |
18 | @BK_GAJENDRA | 64,149 |
19 | @AT_Rome | 63,104 |
20 | @Kahnster | 61,247 |
21 | @RohitGahlot | 60,225 |
22 | @Samehabosaif75 | 59,463 |
23 | @jahzzy | 58,923 |
24 | @edwin080372 | 58,428 |
25 | @dbateser | 58,192 |
26 | @JaneBurunina | 57,468 |
27 | @Mo-TravelleerX | 57,455 |
28 | @SebaasC | 56,962 |
29 | @Teana_K | 56,267 |
30 | @OmerAli | 54,069 |
31 | @kasunaaa | 53,943 |
32 | @amittiwari | 53,068 |
33 | @selormOnray | 52,778 |
34 | @Atizol | 52,773 |
35 | @Geethapriya | 52,550 |
36 | @sabangla14 | 51,871 |
37 | @AdrianLunsong | 51,394 |
38 | @JayDae-SuVega | 51,141 |
39 | @travellite | 50,450 |
40 | @VictorRamos24 | 50,017 |
41 | You ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
6 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - Participating Level 8 Local Guides (April, 2022)
No | Local Guide | Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @mbmuhlison | 49,044 |
2 | @R10R | 48,802 |
3 | @turaibalazs | 48,780 |
4 | @PrateekAgarwal | 46,456 |
5 | @DFX | 44,135 |
6 | @Ratnaker | 42,557 |
7 | @LuigiZ | 36,386 |
8 | @IgnacioMamaniTapia | 34,956 |
9 | @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe | 33,904 |
10 | @Kinjalchhaya | 33,800 |
11 | @Ducci | 33,233 |
12 | @MaxPlusFood | 33,197 |
13 | @Martin_Whitehead | 32,960 |
14 | @ele | 32,233 |
15 | @Stephanie_OWL | 29,853 |
16 | @Suvi | 29,841 |
17 | @Omarfahd | 29,085 |
18 | @Osama_El_Maghrby | 28,843 |
19 | @ajitthite | 28,812 |
20 | @tony_b | 25,632 |
21 | @anandBC | 25,436 |
22 | @ValentinaCaldito | 25,417 |
23 | @proveloin | 25,345 |
24 | @Sophia_20 | 25,287 |
25 | @Rahul001 | 25,093 |
26 | @Blexi | 23,997 |
27 | @RDFreeman | 23,742 |
28 | @SabbirShawon | 23,469 |
29 | @Itsrajatsehgal | 23,231 |
30 | @gadgetguyz | 22,930 |
31 | @Calvin | 22,897 |
32 | @Dave26 | 22,884 |
33 | @LightRich | 22,696 |
34 | @gadgetguyz | 22,669 |
35 | @Thomson200 | 22,592 |
36 | @KalyanPal | 22,518 |
37 | @rupgo | 22,471 |
38 | @pabloferro | 21,601 |
39 | @aRvInD-Gr | 21,239 |
40 | @RN08 | 21,109 |
41 | @JorgeSanchezMtz | 21,036 |
42 | @MiKe6 | 20,448 |
43 | @QueBall | 20,315 |
44 | @GigiR | 19,191 |
45 | @gulgi | 18,787 |
46 | @Obaidur_Rahman | 18,735 |
47 | @alainrc2005 | 18,431 |
48 | @edipratu | 17,179 |
49 | @MrRogelioG | 16,615 |
50 | @ryan_read | 16,474 |
51 | @GaziSalauddinbd | 16,168 |
52 | @PrinzRoland | 16,003 |
53 | @lAth0m | 15,975 |
54 | @Rex_Roscoe | 15,695 |
55 | @ChrisGledhill_ | 15,009 |
56 | You ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
7 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - Participating Level 7 Local Guides (April, 2022)
No | Local Guide | Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @karora | 14,928 |
2 | @Amit_21007 | 14,769 |
3 | @Theatreperson | 14,613 |
4 | @ChemaDieste | 13,924 |
5 | @Stevenartify | 13,895 |
6 | @JokoEats | 13,894 |
7 | @heyrye | 13,666 |
8 | @Bartmans | 13,043 |
9 | @Knutella | 12,657 |
10 | @ysaadat | 12,656 |
11 | @BrianBow | 12,053 |
12 | @Chuytorres-alc | 11,693 |
13 | @Alexandra77 | 11,423 |
14 | @Sviller | 11,172 |
15 | @LadisicTom | 10,934 |
16 | @MichaelCarmine | 10,469 |
17 | @Ses_ame | 10,252 |
18 | @Nishanthligori | 10,067 |
19 | @LilianRAMBU | 9,913 |
20 | @S_hussain | 9,831 |
21 | @AnnetteCP | 9,735 |
22 | @ekbun | 9,520 |
23 | @Robert24 | 8,929 |
24 | @LG_Ayush_Tiwari | 8,922 |
25 | @SnkEyes | 8,845 |
26 | @JohnB_Outdoors | 8,769 |
27 | @MedinaMohamed | 8,763 |
28 | @Mikeinthefalls | 8,448 |
29 | @FlyingTimo | 8,437 |
30 | @achrislive | 8,254 |
31 | @Spricki1 | 8,217 |
32 | @Crossx08 | 8,203 |
33 | @Alexkezevadze | 8,112 |
34 | @chillfiltr | 7,765 |
35 | @Pranavtrivedi | 7,667 |
36 | @Febrian_360 | 7,641 |
37 | @ACCoelho20 | 7,536 |
38 | @noheway | 7,465 |
39 | @CharleneWard | 7,418 |
40 | @AsafB | 6,861 |
41 | @Prateek_Agarwal_In | 6,822 |
42 | @Qwksvt99 | 6,271 |
43 | @katydarhel | 6,246 |
44 | @harshlg | 6,243 |
45 | @TheerapatS | 6,215 |
46 | @MelTG | 5,982 |
47 | @TharinDSilva | 5,622 |
48 | @KhorshedAli | 5,442 |
49 | @Sverleis | 5,212 |
50 | @HeyitsNicho | 5,093 |
51 | @JoelBarrett | 5,040 |
52 | You ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
8 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - Participating Level 6 Local Guides (April, 2022)
No | Local Guide | Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @mariatancu | 4,483 |
2 | @sudipbohora | 4,149 |
3 | @AlekseyGapeev | 3,420 |
4 | @KiranMiskin | 3,372 |
5 | @user_not_found |
2,918 |
6 | @BinodSingh | 2,860 |
7 | @amankkush | 2,580 |
8 | @kvlpilote | 2,210 |
9 | @Ashifp | 2,191 |
10 | @Cercis | 1,545 |
11 | You ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
9 - Top 100 Points Leaderboard - Participating Level 4-5 Local Guides (April, 2022)
No | Local Guide | Points (8 April, 2022) |
1 | @AbhixB | 1,263 |
2 | @rachanadhekane | 1,163 |
3 | @eltiojulio | 1,058 |
4 | @BobbyJoe | 749 |
5 | You ? | ? |
[Data read at 18:30 (AEST) on 8 April, 2022]
@AdamGT @
Csodálatos információk. Elképesztő munkák. Látni a nagyvilágból a kiemelkedő embereket.
Esetleg ezt országos szinten felállitani?
Nagyon nehéz a top bekerulni. Ha országos szinten látni lehetne, több ösztönzést adna mindenkinek… És Országonként a legeket.
További szép munkát kívánok a társamnak. Jó egészséget. Biztonságot.
Köszönöm a munkátokat.
Hello @GogPeterne and thank you so much for your encouraging comment.
Actually, it is not difficult to get into the Top 100 as, as I have written in the opening post, I have deliberately designed the leaderboards so as to create a a level playing field (Top 100 leaderboards for each Local Guide level) which enables Local Guides at any level to join in and yes, you can too and it’s simple to do!! As you can see I haven’t as yet added all the leaderboards in this post but hope to do so soon, it just takes some time. As an example you can see the full list of completed leaderboards in the February 2022 post. You might also enjoy the April 2022 Photo Views leaderboards and the special Star Photos leaderboards.
As well as the competitive element, participating Local Guides have found these leaderboards to be educational, motivational and a lot of fun so why not join in. It’s simple to do just hit this link.
ps: I have to tell you that I love, love, love Kakaós Csiga, Almás Rétes and the mouthwatering Gerbeaud Cake . Oh, I almost forget, and of course all the poppy seed breads and puddings lol.
Thank you very much @AdamGT ,
I can’t change my point contribution, my last point is 658xxx point , because i forget my password to login T100 form, Can you give me solution ?
Hello @PaDeSSo
I have sent you a private message with details on how to proceed.
When I have time I must add a reset password routine.
So many things to do…so little time to do them
@AdamGT My point is now 93040
That’s great to hear @MahbubIslam so update your entry and remember to do it at the end of every month. Add a monthly reminder on your calendar
Hi, @AdamGT . Nice post . I have new information about LG points.
- The highest points reached by
@PakoValera from Spain with 2,644,457 points/2.6 million points
@C_T from India and @Amiran from Iran have 900 + thousand points
Top 10 Indonesia Local Guide points:
@PaDeSSo , 658,908 points
@Pantermaraden , 553,270 points
@budikawi , 519,967 points
Winarno Abdullah from Lampung 436,045 points
@syaubananas , 321,946 points
Irfan_dPriyanto, 303,188 points
Rudy Prayitno from Surabaya, 297,147 points
Zuki Rama from Lampung, 274,798 points
- DeJavu from Bogor, 265,924 points
- @BudiFXW , 244,079 points
Registered by Entry @Irfan_dPriyanto ,
Saat ada tawaran untuk mengisi biodata dan poin kontribusi, tidak semua LG mengisi form yang dimaksud. Karena tidak terakumulasi otomatis seperti dulu, bagi yang belum memasukkan datanya, ada form khusus yang disediakan di artikel diatas, siapa tahu di Indonesia tahu ada Local Guides Indonesia yang poin kontribusinya melebihi poin saya.
Thanks for mentioning @Irfan_dPriyanto
Nice information about this topic.
Yes, This monthly list as emphasized, is the list of tops from All participating Local Guides who filled the form so we may not see all real top ones.
To me, because it needs monthly check and I may haven’t enough time to do it regularly, I preferred not to participate.
Moreover, although points are kind of motivative but it is not a goal. So I think my focus should be on helping people, not points. Indeed while the quantity could be nice, for me the quality is first.
Anyway, your comment is nice to me.
Hola @PaDeSSo yo tengo el mismo problema, el nuevo sistema acceso reconoce mi e-mail pero no el usuario / contraseña, bueno creo que pronto se implantará un mecanismo de restablecimiento de usuario / contraseña. Un saludo.