Top 100 Local Guides in each Country (February 2023)

I would definitely love to catch up whenever you are back in Sydney @GYours . I flew into Birmingham last year in July to spend a couple of weeks with family. We had so much fun.

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@AdamGT gracias por la mención y feliz año nuevo chino :rabbit: .

Saludos maxi.


@AdamGT There seems to be a problem with South Korea’s Contributions Summary, with @manulc on Level 10 and all contributions at zero.

مرحبا بك اخي العزيز @AdamGT

مجهودك رائع ، قوائمك بمثابة محفز كبير وداعم لي للاستمرار وتقديم الافضل .

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:


My pleasure @Maximilianozalazar keep up the great guiding and I look forward to seeing you climbing these charts!

@MAHMOUDALWAN , thank you for your continued support and appreciation!

Thanks @tony_b for your continued deep and thorough checking of my work as I can make mistakes. On checking, I see that @manulc has not entered his contributions data hence all the zeroes and as he is our first Local Guide from South Korea, this explains why he was included. I do hope that @manulc will attend to this.



저도 왜 기여도가 0인지 모르겠네요.

조회수는 200000000 , 참여도는 82041입니다.


i’ll try again.

Hi @PennyChristie

We flew back into Brum on 18th July (just as our Visas expired :laughing: )

If I’d known you were in town I’d have definitely met up.

Unless you’ve another trip planned, see you next year.



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No trips planned for this year @GYours but will love to catch up when you are back in Sydney :boomerang: :blush:


Thank You for Your Great work Sir.

with Regards,


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@AdamGT Well yes, we have one more category - Edits :slightly_smiling_face: Happy to see the leaderboards evolving! Thanks for another great month!

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Well done @EvaBar . It’s a balancing act. I keep looking at ways to sneak in other features/metrics within Connect’s limitation in the the number of characters per post.

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Glad to be of assistance @AdamGT

I don’t see it as “checking of your work”. I just don’t want your robots thinking (again) that I only skim through the pages without reading or commenting. :thinking:

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@manulc , you update your data using this System.

Mr. @AdamGT saran saya apakah bisa sistemnya di permudah agar saya dengan mudah meng upload foto ke dalam sistem, karena kadang suka lupa username maupun paswordnya… terimakasih atas perhatiannya… :grin: :pray:

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Hello @Nuga_72 and thank you for your question however usernames and passwords are required to protect everyone’s personal information including yours and mine. If you have a problem remembering your credentials then I suggest that you try using a password manager see for example You could also look at using the System’s Remember me feature!

Thank you @AdamGT for sharing insights and keeping us motivated to contribute. We all are working from our end with the best possible means to give something to our planet, and when you are recognized you get the value of what small attempts can make a huge change, good day

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Namaste @BhandariR and thank you for your feedback.

I’m really pleased to hear that the leaderboards are keeping you motivated to contribute. When I hear this from Local Guides like you, it indicates that the objectives of the country leaderboards are being met. Well done on your contributions to beautiful Nepal.


Yes! Glad to see I am in the top 20 for photo views!

Lets see if we can get into the top 10!

Well done everyone!


@jasoncugs Congratulations on being on the list, with the top average photo views in your country. Keep up the good work.

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