top 10 places to eat in airzona

hey guys today iwill be talking you about how best places to eat in beautiful state of aerozona. my favourite food is chinese so i hope you dont discriminate because martin luther king jr banned that. anyway i will now be starting the list

  1. kung pao place next to my house
  2. chinese buffet next to my uncles house
  3. eggroll basket in my shool’s alleyway

anyway thank you for reading i hope you will check out these places !!! please add more restarants if you know any good places !!


Hi @minecraft_ride ,

Thank you for sharing with us.

Did you went to all of the places? Can you maybe share some photos with us?

Hi @minecraft_ride ,

Thanks for sharing.

If you have some photos about the places or the dishes, it would be great to share them. What do you like the most in these places?

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this is the guy who gives em my eggroll baskets :))) hope you enjoy :slight_smile:


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