Today is World Kindness Day, What can you do to be kind today?

Hello Local Guides

Today is “World Kindness Day”

What can you do to be kind today?

I’ll start.

1 - Be kind to the environment.

2 -

Now it’s your turn.



Hello @HelloSamsonR @OSAMA @MahabubMunna @LucioV @ErmesT

It’s your turn.



I’m kind with users and customers



3:To be very kind to My family :wink:


Thanks for the question @Badruddeen

Even if today is a bit difficult to reply.

Give a smile to everyone, count up to ten before to reply to your colleagues that are complaining for everything, bring a flower for your family. Spend a few seconds to think about our friends, especially our friends in Iran and Iraq, that are suffering for a huge tragedy. My thoughts is there, now, so sorry if I cannot give you a better reply.




@Badruddeen last few day i suffer from some one so stop my kindness to other heheh .


Hi @ErmesT

Thank you for the very good advice and detailed tips to follow definitely.

Here I am giving a smile to our Connect moderator Ermes :grinning: as advised. :grinning:

I’ll add ‘take a deep breath’ and count up to ten before to reply to your colleagues that are complaining for everyth for. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Our prayers condolences and well wishes to the people of Iran and Iraq on this terrible natural disaster.

Ermes, your reply is perfect. :+1:



Today is WOLRD KINDNESS DAY? Wow I didn’t know that. What can I do today?

I can think of a few sorry I can’t just list one:

  • I will make an extra effort to smile at each & every person I look at or looks at me, today. [hopefully people don’t think I’m creepy and I scare them instead]

  • I’ll give my dog an extra 20 minutes to enjoy the grass and outside when we go out for our walk today.

  • I want to kind to mysef too so, I get to eat a piece of candy today =) yay


Hi brother @MahabubMunna

If someone treats you bad treat him with kindness and he will ultimately treat you with kindness.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:

@MahabubMunna wrote:

@Badruddeen last few day i suffer from some one so stop my kindness to other heheh .


Compliment someone to encourage them


Hi @Badruddeen

We have to be kind with our family especially parents and then our relatives.



Dear @ErmesT I really appreciate your kindness. This is very sad situation and we’ve missed many people , but your support is really valuable for us. You’r really good-hearted . These days we try to send helps to affected areas and hope survivors can save more people. As local guides I have no idea about what effective action we can do at this situation but at least we prepared Blood Donation Stations Map and shared it in social pages to help people for better commuting.


Thanks dear @Badruddeen


Dear @Amiran

You are welcome.

@Amiran wrote:

Thanks dear @Badruddeen

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Definitely @AkmalB

We have to be kind with everyone.


@AkmalB wrote:

Hi @Badruddeen

We have to be kind with our family especially parents and then our relatives.


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That’s a very beautiful kindness. That really would bring good result. @PrettyInkedLo

@PrettyInkedLo wrote:

Compliment someone to encourage them

Hi @Amiran

We are the humans and we have some limitations. Its really sad and heart breaking moments are there.

You guys are doing great and beyond the limitations for your community. Thanks for some updates about relief work.

God bless you, stay safe.

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I try to be kind to myself, my family, my neighborhood, people even to animals throughout the year not just for one day !

Human behaviour needs more than 24 hours to progress.

But as you ask i’ll reply simply : Share with people my humility, simplicity, generosity

Nice day Badruddeen :slight_smile:

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Hi @BoyScout

Thank you for the wonderful input.

Have a nice day.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:

@BoyScout wrote:


I try to be kind to myself, my family, my neighborhood, people even to animals throughout the year not just for one day !

Human behaviour needs more than 24 hours to progress.

But as you ask i’ll reply simply : Share with people my humility, simplicity, generosity

Nice day Badruddeen :slight_smile:

@Badruddeen Indeed it’s a nice post about kindness

i think we shouldn’t block kindness in a single day

we should always be kind to others

love to read more from you