To kataragama kiri wehera

    from kalubowitiyana danagirigala aranya temple via to kataragama kiriwehera temple kataragama dewa puja

Welcome to Local Guides Connect @Prs7282 , your video is very interesting, could you tell us a little more about it, such as what the white and yellow umbrellas represent, excuse my ignorance about it.

Saludos Farid

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කතරගම පන්සල බුදු දහම සදහා වැදගත් ස්තානයකි එය ලංකාවේ දකුනු ප්‍රදේශයේ පිහිටා තිබෙන අතර මනරම් පරිසරයකි

"Kataragama Temple is an important place for Buddhism. It is located in the southern part of Sri Lanka and has a beautiful environment.

Thanks you