tips to travel and explore Indonesia

TIPS to travel In Indonesia.

My country is a beautiful country. We have 34 province which consistss city and municipal. We have lots of or say thousands of amazing never ending destinations to visit. It is said that if you want to explore Indonesia you must stay for 42 years if you want to completely finished to explore Indonesia. If you want to visit Indonesia we have transportation support like airport, train station, bus terminal that could connect to the toutism destinations.

Alternatively you could go by ojek (motorbike) but at first you must bid the prive to the driver. If you want a fair price 1 km bid for 10.000 rupiahs. Than you say " berapa pak ke tempat ini (how much to go this place) just bid sepuluh ribu ya (than thousand ok) or if the place 2km it will be 20.000 and so on. The food as well really cheap you dont have to bid to much cause they will give you fix rate. But you should know whether you are buying at street food or food shop or caffee.

The hotel as well there are alot of hotel from cheap to expensive. If you want to order we have plenty of booking famous applications to make your travel muh much easier like, tokopedia ,buka lapak ,airy rooms , reddorz and soon you will be ease to book airplane, bus, train,hotel ticket and all your travel need as wel gojek and grab for cheap transportation. Wish my tips will be useful for you​:grinning::grinning::grinning: