TIME FOR NATURE - World Environment Day 2020 - Share your Nature

Biodiversity: The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. *Source: Oxford dictionary

On June 5, 2020, we celebrate The WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY.

Time For Nature is the topic of this year, to celebrate the biodiversity.

Biodiversity is the variety of life that we see all around us, and show the capacity of the life to evolves, and to adapt to the environment.

Five days ago, finally going out after a long time to take some photo for this post, I wanted to visit the Venetian Lagoon, to show what is biodiversity for me: on the cover photo you see seven different kind of birds. Everyone has adapted, in a different way, to life in a swampy environment like the Venetian Lagoon. The long legs of the waders allow them to walk in the shallow waters of the lagoon, while the webbed legs of the ducks and seagulls allow them to move quickly in the water. The evolution of each of these species has meant that they adapt to the conditions of the environment.

This is one of the reason why I love this lagoon: because it is a perfect place to study the evolution related to the climate change

The entire northern area of the Adriatic Sea is a very special example: due to the low depth of the seabed, with a consequent very rapid heating and cooling of the water caused by the change in air temperature, many of the species that inhabited the Venetian Lagoon have been replaced in a few years by others.

In the lagoon there is now a large group of pink flamingos, who spend the winter there instead of migrating south, to warmer territories. Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, they were more than one Km away

Other species have adapted to the new climate. Adaptation seems to be the keyword for evolution, and it is extremely interesting to see how the life evolves.

I want to show you a photo I took on August of 2019 on the Sibillini National Park

Look at the shape of these plants. How is it possible that they all grew up with the same shape, with the same exact arc?
All of them have adapted to the valley wind and, trying to grow vertically, have changed shape based on the thrust of the wind.
This impulse, this wind that tries to bend them, while the plant resists and adapts, are the basis of evolution and changes.

Everything we observe around us, the multiple forms of life, are the result of this push. A life that adapts and evolves, creating biodiversity.

With this post I am sharing the nature around me, a nature that I want to enjoy and to keep clean.

What is the nature you want to share with us? What kind of biodiversity do you see around you?

Feel free to share your photos of the Nature here, and to tell the community about “your view of the biodiversity

How do you celebrate the Environment Day 2020? If you are at home, what about to join this amazing meet-up by @Sagir ? World Environment Day Virtual. I would love to attend too, but I will be at work at that time, so I can only send a Virtual Hug to Sagir

Can’t wait to see your photos



Hi @ErmesT

Nature is always awesome and very diverse…

I love your shots…

Check out what I capture yesterday from my balcony :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Blackspot African Dove

As mentioned join us to celebrate Biodiversity

Kind regards…


Beautiful shot, @Sagir

As I said, I would love to be able to join you, but due to my work activity and some personal issues I unfortunately can’t.

BTW, please check your link, as it doesn’t work.


Thanks @ErmesT

There is no problem your hugs and motivation is well received and appreciated…

I have fixed the link.



Hello @ErmesT

Thanks for sharing about World Environment Day, as a member of team #cleantheworld I should always remember this day. Because I learn a lot from Clean the World project. And I m sorry I shared too many pictures in my comment post because your post made me excited.

I would like to convey my message to all my friends, who are doing wonderful work all around the world, that our efforts, small or big, it will definitely matter. Never think that if you are doing in a small effort and it will be useless. Maybe your little effort can give a big message to the people who are watching you at the spot. For example, you are on the beach, and you just pick a plastic bottle or plastic bag from the beach and put it into a dustbin or at the right place where it should be. So maybe a person is watching you and his mind will change just because of this great action.

Clean environment, clean beaches, and marine life are for us, for our future generations.

Let’s make this world clean together and environmentally friendly together.

I would like to tag my friends whom I discussed a lot about ideas about Environmental issues.

@ravindus @kasunaaa , @JaneBurunina , @MSulaiman , @Bilal_shaikh @br14n

Shukriya :pray:


@ErmesT thanks for sharing this post with us. Indeed everything comes from nature. We can’t imagine our survival without the survival of nature, and it’s evident in these lockdown days as the canals, beaches, and waterfalls are much cleaner than the usual. We failed to take care of mother nature and we saw a reset activity from the mother nature itself.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t go out to take pictures but I will definitely share in the next couple of days.

Thanks, @KashifMisidia Bhai for tagging me and giving me the opportunity to share my views.


@ermest , beautiful post and beautiful pictures colouring up the Environment Day. If it weren’t for the COVID-19 I’m sure we could have spend the day out in the environment. Or maybe do something to help nature.

But in a way this year we did that we never could before. We stayed home, reduce our consumption, production and parked our vehicles for months. Which gave some time for the environment to heal.

@KashifMisidia , thank you very much for tagging me here my friend.

Green paddy fields near my home

Wangedigala mountain


Dear connect community friends,

Today is World Environment Day, so I found an occasion for conversation with inalienable friends about the plants to make environment more eco-

friendly to us .

As we know plants are an integral part of environment and help it in healthy way and in turn, we find it very supportive to live with.

In this context, I would like to share a picture of my place, i.e, a mini - jungle without wild animals. Interesting to note here that my place is situated in city, but once we enter into my lane ,the temperature suddenly drops to 5 degrees Celsius.

Due to these big and small plants, we always listening the singing of birds. In all ,it is a kind of paradise for us ,trust me .

Please view this place through a my post.

Thanking to all my friends.


@ShekharMuz_5 чудесные растения


I took these photos from various areas during my trips to province. Except Sarus cranes, these animals are domestic. Buffalos and bulls are common livestock in many families at rural areas used for farming. Geese are raised as domestics birds too but not common like ducks. Sarus cranes, known as the tallest flying birds are native bird to Cambodia and Laos, 99% and 1% respectively.

Which one is your favorite family?


@Sophia_Cambodia все звери удивительные фото фантастические


@SvitlanaChurina thank you my friend :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for your reply, and the great series of post about the different way we may have for celebrating the environment. Just one year ago I was part of “100 hours for the environment”, a five days marathon with conferences, clean-ups, music.


You are touching an extremely important point @MSulaiman : with the lockdown everything seems to be “cleaner”, the noise is reduced, birds are everywhere.

I hope we will remember this, when we will be able to go back to a normal life, and we will have the opportunity to claim that “a better life, more respectful of the environment, is possible”


Hi @ShekharMuz_5 ,

Thank you for sharing this photo with us.

I want to inform you that I am merging your post to our thread TIME FOR NATURE - World Environment Day 2020 - Share your Nature, where you can connect with other Local Guides who celebrate the beauty of biodiversity while keeping Connect more organized.


Ciao @ErmesT ,

Grazie per aver condiviso questo bel post con noi! Hai fatto delle foto favolose e sono molto contento di vedere che sia potuto tornare alla tua passione fotografica. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sono d’accordo con te, dovremmo sempre proteggere l’ambiente in cui viviamo, ripettando la natura e ponendo in atto comportamenti quotidiani mirati alla conservazione della biodiversità.

In questo post, dedicato alla giornata mondiale della Terra, ci sono degli utili consigli che volevo condividere con tutti quelli che stanno seguendo questo tuo interessantissimo articolo: Celebrate Earth Day with us from home.


This is such a great post @ErmesT . We’ll continue the advocacy for biodiversity and cleaner environment around the world, even as we prepare for @Sagir ’s meet up later today

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What you guys are doing in Sri-Lanka is unforgettable, @ravindus , @kasunaaa , and let me add here also my friend @IlankovanT .

Your passion, your love for the planet is what give hope to many, you are showing a direction to follow.

Again, thank you for highlighting how we can reduce the consumption of energy, trying to cool down the planet. We do not have too much time, if we want the mankind to continue to be part of the biodiversity of the planet


Love your piece of Paradise, @ShekharMuz_5

It is interesting to read how much the temperature drops due to the plants. Amazing

This is indeed a lovely contributions, for the World Environment Day