Biodiversity: The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. *Source: Oxford dictionary
On June 5, 2020, we celebrate The WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY.
Time For Nature is the topic of this year, to celebrate the biodiversity.
Biodiversity is the variety of life that we see all around us, and show the capacity of the life to evolves, and to adapt to the environment.
Five days ago, finally going out after a long time to take some photo for this post, I wanted to visit the Venetian Lagoon, to show what is biodiversity for me: on the cover photo you see seven different kind of birds. Everyone has adapted, in a different way, to life in a swampy environment like the Venetian Lagoon. The long legs of the waders allow them to walk in the shallow waters of the lagoon, while the webbed legs of the ducks and seagulls allow them to move quickly in the water. The evolution of each of these species has meant that they adapt to the conditions of the environment.
This is one of the reason why I love this lagoon: because it is a perfect place to study the evolution related to the climate change
The entire northern area of the Adriatic Sea is a very special example: due to the low depth of the seabed, with a consequent very rapid heating and cooling of the water caused by the change in air temperature, many of the species that inhabited the Venetian Lagoon have been replaced in a few years by others.
In the lagoon there is now a large group of pink flamingos, who spend the winter there instead of migrating south, to warmer territories. Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, they were more than one Km away
Other species have adapted to the new climate. Adaptation seems to be the keyword for evolution, and it is extremely interesting to see how the life evolves.
I want to show you a photo I took on August of 2019 on the Sibillini National Park
Look at the shape of these plants. How is it possible that they all grew up with the same shape, with the same exact arc?
All of them have adapted to the valley wind and, trying to grow vertically, have changed shape based on the thrust of the wind.
This impulse, this wind that tries to bend them, while the plant resists and adapts, are the basis of evolution and changes.
Everything we observe around us, the multiple forms of life, are the result of this push. A life that adapts and evolves, creating biodiversity.
With this post I am sharing the nature around me, a nature that I want to enjoy and to keep clean.
What is the nature you want to share with us? What kind of biodiversity do you see around you?
Feel free to share your photos of the Nature here, and to tell the community about “your view of the biodiversity”
How do you celebrate the Environment Day 2020? If you are at home, what about to join this amazing meet-up by @Sagir ? World Environment Day Virtual. I would love to attend too, but I will be at work at that time, so I can only send a Virtual Hug to Sagir
Can’t wait to see your photos