Tiap upload video kok gak gak muncul ya?

Beberapa kali aku upload gak muncul muncul video yang aku upload padahal udah selesai proses uploadnya sukses… Itu kenapa yaaa.??

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@HanaLalisa have you checked the PHOTOS tab in your contribution page? If is there but not showing the listing page, that might be because Google map has not made it public for some reason.

@HanaLalisa I just tried to upload a video to a location after reading your post, and I can upload successfully.

As @SaifIS has suggested. Please go to Your Contributions under Photos, and check if you can see the video there. If you can see it, then it’s successfully uploaded.

Note that videos are limited to 30 seconds as a location file upload, or 10 seconds when doing real time recording via the Maps app.


@HanaLalisa I understand the potential misunderstanding here. When we upload videos, to make sure it’s successful, go to Your contributions, Photos and see it.
Then you can check Your contributions, by clicking your name, you should see the video count go up, there might be a bit of delay to see the number increase.

Then, there’s the badge. The badge usually always gets updated the last, and may take days or weeks depending. So just to let you know that it’s not real time. Check the both above, and if your video has been updated, then eventually the badge will also get updated.

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Ok thanks you so much…:joy::joy: I understand now… Its need time to appear yeahh… Delay… So I don’t need to try many time upload same video :cold_sweat: