Thriving and prosperous meetup places for Taiwanese social activists.

As one of the citizen in a open and democratic society, I respect the value of various cultures, and this made me aware of one point that google maps is more than gourmets, travel spots, reviews and pictures. To make people connected further and identify with each other, we should highlight other pins that have social impact - such as places related to social / student movements. Also, as the founder of Taiwan lesbians community website, I will concern more of meetup places for LGBTs & dissidents.

I believe through pinning places of different values on google map can be really helpful in connecting people. Because the first step of understanding is through recognition, and every little red pin on Google maps, is a path of recognition.

A Taiwanese food restaurant, also known as the place where the “Wild Lily Student Movement” begins. Here you can see activists of different generations talking, exchanging different opinions. Here is just like a library of social movement in Taiwan. If you’re looking for the latest social issues, breaking news, or just some old heroic legends on the streets in old days - here is your best choice.

A cafe for younger social movement activists. It is also a comfy place that holds lectures / film watching activities for all guests. If you’re interested in gender issue or anti-nuclear power issue, this is the place you definitely want to visit.

A cafe founded by designer/ social movement activist in Taichung. Lectures / film watching activities are held here occasionally.

A late night bar for Taipei-based social activists. Not spacious but very special. Here you can find scholars, foreign protesters, etc. A place for you to meet new friends/activists.

A sanctum for owl people and designers. You can enjoy your cafe with serenity indoor, and meet some new friends outdoor, near the smoking area.

Witch House is one of the LGBT-friendly stores in Taipei. It usually hosts some exhibition, lecture, and concerts. You better buy the pre-sale ticket online first, in case you miss the amazing events.

There are two floors. First floor is kind of the lounge bar, and you may have a drink here while enjoying the performance. On second floor is a gender friendly / feminism bookstore. You may immerse yourself in these feminism books that are filled with stories of Taiwanese feminism development.

What we know about different cultures and their vividness in Taiwan can always be more, so do we know about Google maps. Connections among people with more little red pins and their stories - they are on my Google maps, and I want to share this belief with you as one of the google local guides from Taiwan.