If I’m not sharing on facebook, I’m now sharing on google maps. It’s been quite the transference. Going from being a winey teenager-young adult, to a more productive adult (who can share experiences, more professionally). I have to say that I’m now directing my energies for the benefit of society. Yipee! I really do feel more responsible, than ever, before. I get to be a productive member of society! I’m a millennial (yes, I’m admitting it), and so I’ve been very digital minded/oriented; this includes with my experiences. Of course, I like fresh air, new faces, new PLACES, and just…new/different/the same, but slightly different experiences. In today’s day and age, nothing stays the same for more than a year (unless you live in rural Wisconsin). That’s just reality. You asked me what I’m passionate about, right? Well, here are a few things: food, shopping, spirituality, health & wellness, business, etc. I’m passionate about living life to the fullest, and learning from my mistakes. Sure, I’ve learned not to eat at certain restaurants, whether it was the loud music/lack of personal space/food poisoning/poor customer service, but I’ve also learned a lot about the places that resonate with me and that I want to share with my friends. I’m passionate about the maybe’s and the could be’s. For example, “this might be a fantastic place to eat at,” or “this could be my favorite boutique on state street.” I’m not going to know, though, until I give it a try. For those who don’t know what to try, I leave them with an experience (if they’re willing to investigate, that is). It’s really about give and take, or take and give, in the long run, isn’t it? What I can give to others, to help them decide, is really a way of contributing and working towards making places better, over time. Ultimately, I’m passionate about promotion and transformation. Thank you!
Sincerely, Reannah Jones