I visited this place which is name as Jaychandi pahar. This was the place where hirok rajar deshe was shooted very beautiful places with hilly areas river dam near another dam mython dam there was a temple of mata jay chandi a place where sita debi has tear and many places .
I as a local guide feel proud to invent new places and would like to add more places so that all the smart phone users in india can use this path finder application and they will be another local guide
This application is very much helpful when you are in great problem of the road this app will sort out the way
Many people in india are using this but i want to helo the other who is not using this app i want to make a group so that every body can join
This are my dream country like india we should use this developed app to get the way i want that every farmer will get their way to market to the bussiness where they can sell their raw materials every small and big bussiness man get their other BUSSINESS information a student can find tution school institution etc
For this i need to improve my self thank you