Things to Remember while adding Businesses on Maps

Hello local guides :slightly_smiling_face:

Adding places is the first step in helping a small business.

In a country like India where small owners still follow traditional walk-in customers

We can help them by adding them on maps to bring them more customers and the people to find places / things they are looking for.

In our last meet up we discussed few things to keep in mind while adding places.

Listing them in a seperate post so it can be useful to all.

(Caption: Illustration of map marker, shop and + symbol with text Things to remember while adding Businesses on maps)

  1. Be honest : Honesty is most important, you cannot add any random place as many people rely on our contributions and it can be misleading if we not honest about the information we add.

  2. Add place you know / visited: adding places which you have not visited or you don’t know is incorrect. Just for the sake of points people create places which they don’t know.

  3. Add accurate details : adding places with correct name and address is crucial because if we keep re-editing it may take time to get approved as well.

Write the correct spelling, in case for places where you don’t know the street name you can use map marker as you drag the marker the basic address will apper if that address is correct you can edit the shop no. And other missing information to it.

  1. Take helpful photos for verification: adding helpful photos like store front images, banner or place, contact /timing detials of the place can help for verification process.

  2. Select appropriate catagory: this can be confusing at times but there are most of the places where we get categories to choose from (*note- categories keep updating from time to time, in case of any confusion regarding the category you can ask fellow local guides)

  3. Avoid adding duplicate places: sometimes the business already exists but it may be placed on a different street on maps as soon as you type first few alphabets of the place, you will see a suggestion of similar businesses/place. If the place you are trying to add appears, do not add a duplicate one, instead you can check if the details mentioned and the location is correct and make changes accordingly.

  4. Do not add private places: when we look around on maps, we see many private places (my home, Xyz home, name ) appear on maps insead you can lable them as my places in saved places. Do not create a business in that place.

Lastly add place with a proper structure and place with a location not the moving carts or food trucks or seasonal Businesses.

share your tips to add Businesses in comments below :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice tips, @FalguniP

May I add that photos clearly showing the store name are really helpful? Some recommend that such a photo is the only photo you upload while adding a new place. Further photos should be uploaded only after approval.

To increase the chances of approval you should also add a phone number that is publicly registered at the same address in the same name as the store. First, try looking up the number in a local database of phone numbers.

Adding a website is also making the verification go swiftly, but only if the website mentions the store name and the exact same address.

One last comment: Pay attention to what app language you have selected while adding new businesses. This will ensure you don’t make the mistake of writing a local language name in the English name field and vice versa.

Cheers from Copenhagen



Hi, @FalguniP

For me is this: Places You Can’t Add to the Map


Very amazing article Olamma @FalguniP

The passion you have for small businesses is really amazing. Keep it up. :hugs:

Have a great day!


Hello @FalguniP ,

Thanks for sharing these helpful tips with us here! For anyone else interested in knowing more about the topic, I suggest this compelling page of our Help Center where there is all the needed information on how to Add a missing place to the Maps.

Happy guiding! :slightly_smiling_face:


Great & helpful post @FalguniP .

Those who would like to stay updated on new categories can bookmark this overview post.

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Hello @FalguniP

Awesome tips, Thank you so much for shearing with us,

Thank You

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