Things I think before capturing photos for google maps.


1.I capture the spot which traveller finds at first
(becomes easier to find the place).
2.I capture the front of store or building and make
sure name is clearly visible (makes it easier for
the traveller to find the exact name and other
3. I also try to upload the timing and contact
details information board’s photo.
4. If possible, I try to capture photos at different times so that both crowded and empty scene can be put.
5.I capture during day as well as during night(if possible).

How I try to get more views
Google’s algorithm shuffles images on regular period and puts the images on top which has

  1. Good quality (in terms of pixels, clarity, exposure and stability).
  2. Front of store or building
  3. Horizon is straight.
  4. Banner is visible.
  5. Daylight shot.
  6. Photo taken from eye level (this may very).

I try capturing exceptional photos

  1. to cover some event or function organised by any place.
  2. By trying different angles.
  3. Do some post processing.
  4. Try panning shots of some event or sports.
  5. Long exposure photos and also be uploaded.

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