The best thing I love sharing in google maps are reviews about a place. This love come forth due to the
fact that I’m heavily dependent on the google maps or google review for that matter when I want to
have a disappointment free experience every time, I try something new.
I work in a very high-pressured industry where the clients demand are never ending and that means my
stress level are at an all-time high. So, when I want to unwind and find the nearest place to drink from
where I’m standing, I want to go to the best place and google reviews help me with that.
Also, my work has me traveling to different cities so I heavily rely on Google maps for review for hotel
and places to eat.
I discover all these amazing places in the city solely due to google review and google maps so I want to
give back to the community that is also ways there for me. Hence, I love writing reviews on google maps
because I know It’s going to help someone just like it helped me.