There is More than Rio de Janeiro in Brazil! Chapada Diamantina will be in my heart forever

If you are planning a trip to Brazil, I am sure the places that are h your mind are Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo or even Salvador , but my favorite place here is Chapada Diamantina in Bahia, to go there you can take a bus from Salvador or a Flight ( there are only few ones ) and stay at Lençois, I took the bus as I easily sleep during night road travels ( 6h trip ).

Lets start with the center city itself : Where to Stay? Everywhere is closed, so just pic an accommodation that suits you best, the center city is small, with a great atmosphere and the nicest people ever. There you will find bars and restaurant that you can eat and enjoy the night ( as I suppose you will spend the day visiting the amazing landscapes )

But, please go to ‘Pousada casa da geléia’ they do the best homemade jam I’ve ever tried, my favorite was the pepper one ( yes, it is bitter, but just enough ). And talking about homemade, you will find there homemade cachaça, earings, handicraft, Tapioca (my favorite food there) and lots of things to take home if you want to

Lets talk about adventure!

The first place is ‘cachoeira do mosquito’: It is a good one to start because the path is easy and you won’t get so tired, enjoy the view and just be happy there

Serrano and Salão de areia: They can be done at the same day, and it is like being in the movie ‘Gold diggers’ for a while, there are amazing shaped rocks, sandy, view from the top and very transparent lakes with little fishes going close to your feet

Poço do Diabo is also a beautiful place, the water is very dark ( because or minerals and iron) and fresh

Gruta Azul : I felt like in a movie scenario (again) , it is breathtaking and very well conserved

Cachoeira da Fumaça: That one will take your breath away in one way or another, this can be done in 2 ways, upwards or downwards ( more than 1 day for the second way ), I did Upwards and it goes up, and up and you need to keep your step to do it on time, I got a bit tired in the way but it was totally worth it, I would do again for sure, Fumaça means smoke as the water goes UP and looks like a smoke ( it is actually a water smoke ), and it is so high that you fell as alive as you are high, I remember not stopping smiling all the time i was there .

Morro do Pai Inácio: a story telling and a beautifull sunset is the best way to close a day!

If you come to Brazil, i recommend you considering go to ‘Chapada Diamantina’ , it is my favorite place here and I could talk about the place for hours! But I will stop here, just one last advice:

The economy is based on Tourism, and when something bad happens those people do anything they can to keep it beautiful and safe for us ( like, in a burning the community does anything to help extinguish the fire ) , I recommend to do your tour with a local guide, they know the place and make a living of it, they know the safe place ( and the dangerous one too), they take care of the nature and they insist the visitors do too, the people and the place will be amazing for you, I guarantee, give them a chance to show you the place through their eyes.


Hello @nataliabraga thanks a lot for sharing much detailed post with lots of amazing pictures, its really mesmerising:)

Is this place near to your home ?

@FaridTDF you have to see this post.