The trip couldn’t have turned out better and ever since then Google Maps has become my steady Travel Companion. It wasn’t long before I realized that I too could be a part of it and contribute towards making things easier for fellow travellers and even the locals by being a LOCAL GUIDE.
I started with answering questions on Maps regarding the places I had visited. Later, I started adding pictures and reviews as a way to provide feedback to the business owners and for anyone who wanted to visit that place. While I kept posting on Maps I was unaware of the impact and reach of my contribution until I got a mail from Google that my picture had garnered more than 1 Lakh views. I am active on several Social Media Platforms, however, have never got this kind of a viewership. And that’s when I felt motivated to do it more religiously.
As a female traveller, my safety while travelling had been a primary concern for me and especially for my parents. This was one of the biggest reason I could not travel for a long time. Google Maps changed that for me. Also, I have always travelled on a budget and to find the best places in the limited budget has always been a kind of challenge. I do a lot of research in this regard before I travel and therefore I try and bring those elements in the reviews I write. Also, I think local cuisines tell so much about a place, its people and the traditions. It gives a completely immersive experience of the place. I am always on a look out for some of the popular outlets as well as some less known local favourites. I then put forth my experience of the place on Maps for more people to be able enjoy and live that.
“Without new experiences something inside of us sleeps, the sleeper must awaken”
According to me, the experience that travelling brings about is unmatched. I wish to travel as many places as I can and along with that I wish to share that with as many people as I can to help them make the most of their travels without any inhibitions. Local Guide gives you a companion for every place you intend to visit. You can familiarize yourself with just a few clicks and then how amazing would it be to be able to call THE WORLD YOUR HOME?