I just want to say thank you to Google Maps and the Connect community for such a “well read” perk!
WoW …!!! This is great.
Thank you so much @ravindus !
Thanks @Akshobhya
Congratulation @user_not_found
Thanks @AbdullahAM
Congratulations for the perk @user_not_found
I just wanted to let you know that I merged your post into this thread as they both share the same subject matter. This action will help reduce clutter and avoid confusion among the community.
I enjoyed this perk of a free subscription to the WP online which is now about to expire in 3 days. How do I pay to keep my subscription and how much? But the more important question is how? I received an email today and the hyperlink that appeared to be the place one might click to pay and maintain the subsription pointed to a text for of the entire message , and all that happened when I clicked the link was an alert asking me what to do… download or save.