Let’s spend a moment to think about the team at Google currently having to work their way through thousands (if not tens of thousands) of applications for Connect Live 2019. A tough job if you ask me! All those posts, lists, videos to go through…
Strength to the team and may you come up with the best possible result!
Greatly, let her get there with good luck …
Agree, it’s tough. I can’t wait for June 3rd!
Hi @JanVanHaver ,
If you are leading the panel to come up with that 200.
How will you do it?
I have been wondering about that too @YK1001 . The tough part might be when you are, after an initial round of selection, facing 3 piles: a huge ‘no’ stack, a small ‘yes’ one and a medium-sized ‘maybe’ one.
I am interested to see how you will classify the huge number of applications into “three piles” of “no”, “yes” and “maybe”.
My method would be: define a number of criteria that you consider to play a role (contributing to Maps consistently; contributing to Connect consistently & qualitatively and not just during application period; helping to promote the LG program; etc) and then put those that have a ‘no’ for all criteria in the ‘no’ pile, those with ‘yes’ for all criteria in the ‘yes’ one and those with some ‘yes’ on criteria in the ‘maybe’ 
You’re not wrong @JanVanHaver I imagine it might be happening right now since they’re all together in London 
@JanVanHaver my joke is that it’s an easier job for them this year. last year they were restricted to 150 only, so this year they are allowed to bring in extra 50 applicants!
But no matter, it must still be a tough decision because I see some insanely dedicated Local Guides out there. I take my hats off to them and so many of them deserve something for their passion.
I think many of them are so much more deserving.
But I am glad there are other regional Local Guides Connect events for broader reach. That’s cool. Even though it cannot be in every single city and country.
@JanVanHaver , just thinking about how you guys are gonna be watching thousands of 60 seconds videos us trying to explain ourselves in front of cameras, really tiresome job to you guys .
But we hoping you do your job best, so that we get our email notifications in 10 days to come .
Surely they are in the hearts of thousands who wait for the result too…
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