The taste of history: Nikea (İznik)


Iznik(Nikea) District is a historical and ancient city which is a rare and open-air museum in the world. Due to its fertile soil and its unique climate and natural beauty, it has become one of the focal points of humanity in every period of history. We understand that Iznik has been inhabited since prehistoric times and that it was founded in a very old history, from Prehistoric finds around it and abundant mounds in the region.

Iznik, by the Antigonius Monophthalmos, one of the commanders of the Macedonian King Alexander the Great. Founded in 316. According to the traditions of this age, it was named “Antigonia” because of its founder Antigonius. The heirs of the Macedonian Emperor Alexander the Great, General Antigonius and General Lysimakhos fought each other to rule the Empire. Lysimakhos, BC He defeated Antigonius in 301 BC and took the city under his rule and named the city Nikaia, the name of his beloved wife, according to the traditions of that period.

King of Bithynia Zipoites, who ruled in the region, BC. In 279, he captured Nicaia. Nicaia also served as the capital of the Kingdom of Bithynia for a while. Gold coins were printed in his name and were commemorated with the title of “Golden City”. Nicaia was the scene of many years of war between the Kingdom of Bithynia and the Roman Empire. As a result, the army of Bithynia was defeated by the Roman army under General Lucullus, and this beautiful lake was called Nicaea. City M.S. It was attacked by the Goths in 259. On top of this, the Romans were initiated at the time of the Kingdom of Bithynia and the M.S. They built the walls that were damaged more strongly in the earthquake of 12i. The city has a 4970 m long wall with 4 main and 12 secondary gates.

The Roman Empire, which faced difficulties in every issue because of its wide borders on three continents, was founded by M.S. When it was divided into two as Eastern and Western Roman Empires in 476, Iznik remained within the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire, which later became the Byzantine name. Nicaea saw great construction in the hands of the Byzantines. Churches, waterways and cisterns were built in the city. After the Seljuk Sultan Alpaslan defeated the Byzantine armies in Malazgirt in 1071, the Seljuks XI. In the late 20th century, they walked up to the Byzantine. Kutalmışoğlu Suleyman Shah took Nicaea in 1075 and made the capital of Seljuk State in 1080. He changed his name to Iznik in the sense of Nicaea. Thus, Iznik became the first Turkish capital in Anatolia. The 600,000-seater First Crusader Army besieged Iznik in 1097 May during the presidency of Godefroy De Bouillon. After the fierce battles, the Turks prevented the looting by delivering the city to the Byzantines in 1097 June.

Now, in this historic city, I’m talking about a resturan chain that offers all the authentic Anatolian flavors.

Köfteci Yusuf Company was founded in 1996 in İznik(Nikea). Köfteci showing operating in Turkey for more than 22 years, Joseph’s Largest Meatball Factory Inc Turkey has the title of European standards. Köfteci Yusuf 13 in Bursa, 8 in Istanbul, 7 in Izmir, 4 in Ankara, 3 in Aydın, 3 in Kocaeli, 2 in Bilecik, 2 in Eskişehir, 2 in Balıkesir, Denizli, Isparta In Kirikkale, Sakarya and Yalova. KÖFTECİ YUSUF, 37 branches in our 37 branches, you can reach our rotating and grilled flavor at our 3 branches. Our Butchers’ Butchers, which are in our Meat Integrated Facility in Yenişehir, Bursa, are waiting to meet you with rich butchers and delicatessen products.In addition to the Köfteci Yusuf brand, Bozüyük Sarar Outlet Out Boz Road Length Flavors ft concept; Köfteci Yusuf, DönerY, BurgerAge, Ciğerce and Kamenta offer five different flavor alternatives with their brands. Köfteci Yusuf brand and restaurants, chosen in July 2015 Butterfly annex to the Hürriyet ‘’ Turkey’s Top 10 Ways restaurant 'ranking first elected, it has been Turkey’s most trusted restaurant brand.

After completing your historical tour in Iznik, you must visit here to fill your stomach. :slight_smile: