Last year, me and my friends decided to go to this resort because I haven’t seen them in a while and frankly, I needed some fresh air then. A friend of mine once said, “Kota Kinabalu has one of the best sunsets in Malaysia. The sunsets here is magical” Now that I look back, I think a lot about what my friend said. I spent a lot of time looking at sunsets but never really realize how beautiful it is and how lucky I am to see it everyday. Now, everytime I saw sunsets, I’d think about all the times I spent watching them while having a picnic with my friends, going on long drives, studying in the library with a view of the beach, walking at the beach, go to the park. There were lots of memories I shared watching sunsets with my friends. Those precious memories are now what I think about and miss so much when I saw sunsets. Especially now that my friends are all out of town because we’re bisy interning and about to graduate from University. I miss them. I miss watching the sunset with them. I hope everyone who watches sunsets , have friends or families to enjoy it with because it truly is magnificent to see.