The Secret is in the Sauce

Discovering the small details about Google Maps listings is my favorite! When I read reviews that have some subtle nuances about a place, whether it be the atmosphere or that the bathroom sink tap opens backwards, I then get a real personal feel of what to expect. This is what I like to include in my reviews or photos.
Each location is unique on its own. Every place is doing it’s own thing. But it’s the attention to detail that really adds a spice to the post. I enjoy sharing about how the low ceilings are in an establishment makes it feel cramped, the lack of windows may make it feel like a prison cell or how all the green plants bring the space to life. These subtle details contribute to how things are presented, how they taste and the ease of patronage. I know many people may not pay attention to these differences, but they subconsciously play a part in the experience.
It’s really important for me to see these details in a review or in a photo. I am then taken to the space mentally and able to grasp way more than a “pro tip” can fulfill.
Sure, the glamorous shots are great, especially taken on my super helpful Pixel, but that’s an easy way out. When I give a glimpse of the little things in a review I know I am simply helping people discover things they have never noticed or experienced before. That’s what the Google Maps experience for me is about; sharing life like the world is my family.

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