The road is bad, but the landscape is beautiful.

How many times does the GPS indicate bad paths?
The road is usually terrible, but the landscape is worth it.
This is a view from inside the car, on a dirt road, in the state of Mato Grosso - Brazil, without any kind of commerce nearby, residents and much less GPS signal on the cell phone.
What matters is offline Maps, which usually indicate difficult paths.
But, the important thing is to enjoy the view.
The path is also part of the journey.


@Eros_Hassen indeed, I don’t care so much about time or distance but about the landscape … when I go in a car I don’t stop looking at everything, beautiful photography!

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@Robert24 , appreciate!
I agree, often the way is more interesting than the destination.

Amazing shot


Congrats on the superb shot, @Eros_Hassen .

Enjoying the road and noticing beauty around is a precious capability.

Are the birds parrots or some other?



Appreciate. I’m glad you liked.

I confess that I don’t know what kind of birds they are.

I think they are not parrots.

My uncle, who lived in the rural area and saw the photo thinks they are macaws.

But I don’t think so.

Anyway, another one of the mysteries of bad roads with beautiful landscapes … hahah

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Hi @Eros_Hassen ,

Thank you for sharing this beautiful view with us. Did you took this photo with your phone? The resolution is great and the bird details are reminding me of a real painting. I also like sunsets and I want to share a similar photo which I captured a while ago.


Hi, @GNaz !

I’m glad you liked it!
Yes, my travel and private photos I take only with a cell phone for convenience.
Very beautiful the view of your photo too. Where was that photo taken?

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@Eros_Hassen Thank for sharing, great timing with the bird flying past!

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Thank you for your response @Eros_Hassen .

I will recommend you to check this article 6 tips to make even better photos with your phone to find out more tips about photography.

Someone was trying to capture the best moment with his camera near a park in Sofia, Bulgaria and this inspired me to take this photo.

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The photo is very nice @Eros_Hassen

I liked :green_heart: your article.

~Greetings from India :india:

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Glad you liked it, thanks!

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