The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Agradeço pelas felicitações @AnubhaBangia ! Você não perdeu, de alguma forma você contribuiu e sua avaliação irá ajudar muitas outras pessoas.

Minhas saudações de felicidade e paz.


Thanks for updating us with the challenge results @Ivi_Ge

Congratulations to all 51 winning reviews as well as the five favorites of the jury! Keep making good things happen.


Thank you @Ivi_Ge for sharing the result news with us. Congratulations to all the winners.

I am happy to get three time connect challenge winner badge on my profile. Thanks again.

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@Ivi_Ge felicidades a los ganadores!

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I am inspired for winning this badge :grinning: @Ivi_Ge

@Ivi_Ge Hello Mam.,

Women do any kind of work with heart and determination so it has to be appreciated…the challenge of Review a woman-owned business was really nice… :clap:t2: :hugs: I really like this challenge… :blush: :+1:t2:

Congrats my friends @Stephanie_OWL and @TerryPG ! :sparkling_heart: Very well-written reviews that celebrates your local women-owned business. :couple_with_heart_woman_man:


Many many congratulations to those winners @Ivi_Ge as declared. Those special notes were selected also congrats to those special persons for identifying the power women.

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@Ivi_Ge recibí la insignia de tres veces ganador de un Challenge, pero me surge la duda, no salgo en ninguna lista, ¿debo esperar? ¿esta insignia sustituye a alguna otra? , gracias. Ultimamente tengo muchas dudas, igual me pasa con las visualizaciones de las fotos de Google Maps, parece que se está arreglando pero a mi no me aparece… Para acabar, @ErmesT me puedes ayudar a resolver alguna questión, gracias, estoy francamente preocupado

This was a great challenge, @Ivi_Ge . Congrats to all of the winners, and :clap: :clap: :clap: to all of the LGs who went out and supported Women Owned businesses in March & every month.



Welcome Can I become a Google Administrator like you?

This is almost half year and still I show my name on your post to my friends. This is so inspiring. Thanks @Ivi_Ge