The red Sea under water

The woman takes photo with fish has 56 yaers old she enjoys under the sea with her husband he is a splint in his leg but he can’t resistance the beautiful seaweeds. The white colour is a splinter



@MohamedBasuny , thanks for sharing. I agree the Red Sea is very full of sea life. I dived at Jeddah several times.

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Hello @MohamedBasuny ,

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Thank you for sharing those interesting photos! What is the story behind them? Was this a specific show that you attended?

P.S.: Just to let you know, as you have posted this post twice, I am merging this post to the The red Sea under water.

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This is in my bucket list. i hope to visit this wonderful place someday.

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Hi @MohamedBasuny ,

Thank you for sharing these great photos with us.

A few years ago I went to a trip to the red sea in Eilat, Israel. And I can say only two things about this place: magical and very romantic place.

Can you please add a bit more details about this photo? Sharing more information about the images you upload will help others to understand why you are sharing and why they should read your posts.

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Hi @MohamedBasuny

I just noticed you have similar topic here: The Sea world.

I agree with @TheEagleEye that underwater world there is really lively. I was there (close to Hurghada) with my family and friend when we were young. My friend used to feed the fishes. Once he gave bred into his pocket in swimsuit and went to the sea. FIshes gathered around him and tried to take the food out of his pocket. So they were basically attacking his pocket and my friend got bitten. So learn from this experience and don’t do the same mistake :).


Hello @MohamedBasuny ,

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.

PS: I am going to remove the Arabic language label from your post as it doesn’t contain such. Only posts written in a specific language should have the corresponding label. You can find more information in this article: How do I find posts in my preferred language?