Hi my name is Jean Gonzalez from San Jose Costa Rica and I will explain why I like to be a Local Guide.
I have been sharing content on Google Maps for some years already. There are many reasons why I continue doing this. First of all, I enjoy taking pictures specially about nature meaning beaches, mountains or simply capture special moments like a nice sunrise or a nice rain. I feel awarded when people like my pictures or they consider I help them to make a decision whether if they want to go to a specific place or not. When I go to a beautiful place I do not hesitate to take some pictures with my mobile for others and myself to enjoy.
In addition, I love to help the community where I live creating new places like businesses so other people can find information about services, restaurants, parking lots and much more. I think people can have a great advantage promoting their own business by posting pictures, adding contact information so they can be reached by anyone who simply search on Google and this will increase their income. I am proud to add places to the Map. I would love my community will be known by many people around the world for its beautiful places so many people for different countries can visit us.
Besides, I am proud to answer people’s questions about services, schedule and other important information of a specific place may offer such as hospital, drugstores, soccerfields and much more
Furthermore, I consider it is important to be a Local Guide because I think I am part of a great program. We may have the opportunity to meet people from many countries and different background so that can help us to learn a lot. I am looking forward to going to San Jose California on November so I can share a lot with many colleagues. Finally, I will like to continue sharing information on Google Maps for more time since I feel important for this program. I hope other people from my community want to be a Local Guide.