The question “Are you here?”

Hello Google champions,

I cannot see the question “Are you here now?”, when I am visiting a place. Am I alone in experiencing this problem?

My web&app activity is on and auto-delete is off.

My Location history is on and auto-delete is off.

best regards


Hi @I-am-Q

I still see “Are you here now?” now and then.

I believe you have your settings right. So maybe it is just random that you have not been prompted “Are you here now?”.

Which platform are you using?

You could try opening the place(s) on Google Maps and from there you might see “Know this place?” which will also take you to some questions.

And you can add places to your timeline manually if that is your concern.



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Olá, @I-am-Q

Eu também estou com a ferramenta funcionando normalmente, porém no fórum de Ajuda do Google Mapas __*__há outros usuários relatando problemas semelhantes, o que pode indicar um “bug” localizado. Outros usuários acrescentaram que o problema começou após atualização do aplicativo. Clique aqui para mais detalhes.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

*Fonte:Why did “Are you here?” feature on Google Maps seemingly disappear?

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Hello Copenhagen and hello @MortenCopenhagen

I can see the the black banner asking me know this place? But only places I have been there before (according to my time line).

I will try to learn how to add places manually.

thanks for your help :pray:

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Hi again @MortenCopenhagen ,

Still not able to see it. I updated my iOS today. Restarted my phone two times, but no “Are you here?”, yet!

I am using iPhone 13 ProMa iOS16.5

Kind regards

Thanks @gmapas

I will reinstall Google Maps tomorrow. Thanks for referring to the article :pray:

all the best

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Did you actually go visit some new places to test this?




Oh yes I did.

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Thanks, @I-am-Q

Since the question is not shown every time we visit a place, and I still see the question now and then, I doubt this can be escalated for now. Please keep an eye on it for another month, and report back in a new reply below.

All the best


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Hi again @MortenCopenhagen ,

Am I alone experiencing this? I mean this so annoying.



I am also facing the same issue. “Are you here?” feature on Google Maps got disappeared. So not able add a place manually to the time line by clicking on “Yes” option in the "Are you here?


“Are you here?” feature on Google Maps got disappeared. So not able add a place manually to the time line by clicking on “Yes” option in the "Are you here?


Yeah, I’ve noticed it too. But I’m not sure whether it’s a bug or this feature has been removed from maps.


Hello @jintogeorge

There is already an discussion about this issue

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I will move your post the the thread mentioned by @waza28 to keep Connect organized.



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Olá, @jintogeorge

Com relação ao problema inicial discutido nessa postagem, esse é um problema que está afetando vários usuários - eu não sou um deles. Há várias discussões sobre o tema no fórum do Google Mapas indicado aqui

Para inserir um lugar manualmente na sua linha do tempo, clique aqui e veja um passo a passo sobre como fazer isso no artigo “How to add places on time line


Gil :slightly_smiling_face: