The privilege of sharing on google maps

I’m from Nairobi Kenya. I have had the privilege of travelling within most parts of Kenya and out of Kenya. Before discovering Local guides, i used to go online to check out reviews about different places and what other people have said about them. I could then go ahead and check photos of these places and my judgement on whether to go to these places would be purely based on the reviews and the photographs of what i have seen online by reviewers. This got me thinking on how i could also become a part of this great initiative by Google. I did my homework and discovered local guides.

The joy of sharing my experiences of diverse places i have been lucky to visit is very humbling. I get to give first hand information and help someone with information that they might urgently need in order to decide on whether they will visit a place or not. My favorite thing about Google maps is adding photos. I adore adding photos about the places i have visited. It gives me fulfillment. Like they say, photos speak more than a thousand words. It always gives me joy to see that my images have been viewed by so many people and in the process helped someone in decision making. Accessibility of these places is also very paramount. Are they family friendly and ideal? through local guides, i am able to give accurate information that eventually assists the people in my community and out of my community. I can only aim to be a great local guide and be the eyes in my community by continuous sharing of my experiences through my photography and reviews.


Hi @clif_the_tall ,

Thank you for sharing your joy of contributing on Google Maps.

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