The principle of parsimony and the AI algorithm

We need reliable reviews and for that, we need reliable LG. Reliable sources are the key in creating a trustworthy environment for everyone.

It is strange that there are selfies and family photos among photos that have been posted in a review, or that there are reviews that only consist of a single word and five stars.

It’s also feels strange when I have to reword my review 10 times (without doing any violence to the spirit of my review), before it gets a public status. It’s even more strange to see the same review lose its public status after a few days. But the absolute strangest thing is that after replacing a few words with synonyms in the same review, it regains its public status.

I have a lot of respect for all the moderators who spend hours trying to guide less digitized and mortal LGs like me, on how to follow various policies and how to take pictures (post video clips or not), in order to get even better at writing a review. You are truly worthy of great respect.

For me, as a philosopher of language and leadership coach, there are no excuses for defending an argument or point of view if there is a single counterargument. I see no point in defending an aggressive AI that damages the trust and erodes the commitment of those who, with their non-profit work, have contributed to the development of Google Maps.

For those of you who don’t know what Ocum’s Razor is, I recommend that you search for the meaning of it, using Google.


Thank you for this post, @I-am-Q .

Really appreciated.

A couple of minutes ago I was responding on another post where the same issue was highlighted. I will not paste my reply here, but you can check it if you are interested to know what is going on.

I agree that a trustworthy environment is the key, and I fully agree that some kind of content should be removed immediately, and that seeing certain contents published is an insult to those who are “truly” working hard to help others, especially if it is our contents that are not posted.

If you read my linked answer you will understand that it is not so simple to understand what “genuine” contents are and how big the problem is related to this, but yes, using the principle of Occam’s razor can be at least the main guideline for the developers to evolve the AI in the proper way. In fact, the complexity of the problem seems to be so great that starting to simplify can help.

Thanks again



Thanks @ErmesT

I read your post, and agree with many of what you write, except one point, namely narrowing the filter. I don’t see AI filter as a solution at all. Let me explain.

Within philosophy, a discussion was started (I think it was in 2012, but it could have been a few years earlier), about the credibility and reliability of information and its relationship to the source and distribution of it. Soon, this was linked to a change in the people’s perception of “truth” (shifting from fact to emotion).

Eventually, this discussion came to be given its own name, and the term “Post Truth” was coined. What Google and other digital media are grappling with today (maintaining credible content), is a complex social change and primarily a change in the view of “truth” among the masses. It is in this change that some take advantage of the situation for their own gain. What we see today in the form of fake and half-fabricated information is rooted in how people’s view of truth has changed.

The first goal is to lure people into simple worldviews and create millions of sources that repeat the same information and thus create a kind of credibility to the information. This will also undermine credible and reliable sources as they disappear in the noise created by millions of false sources.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this enormous misinformation. The only way is that roll up the sleeves and start talking with people around us and helping them or showing them how they can find reliable information (ie ask them to be critical of sources).

So the only thing that seems to help is to set up some criteria to build up a corps of trusted LGs and give them space to be seen more (such as tagging their names with a blue circle).

I am sure there are lots of videos about the post truth on youtube. Please choose videos from reliable sources and known/famous philosophers.

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