The Power of Filter

Filters make the photo even more interesting. It make photos “pop” when its original state is dull.


Hi @Jemxx can you please explain your photos. Also, I’ve never used a filter but would like to know how do you select a filter to use?

In the photo my subject is a bubble. I specifically used a filter to make the bubble the focal point/highlight. Also, I adjusted the picture’s brightness, contrast, saturation, and color temperature. It’s your preference on what filter you would use. For example, when a photo is already bright, don’t use a filter that makes the photo even brighter. It will degrade the quality of the picture. When a photo is dark, use a filter that would make it brighter.

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Thanks for your reply and explanation @Jemxx . It sounds very very technical and sadly I’m not at that stage with my photography, in fact no where near that lol. By the way, when you reply to someone you must add @ and their name to your reply so that the person will know you have responded otherwise there is a big chance that the person will not ever know about or see that you have replied.