The Places I added have reached a new record on Google Maps

Yesterday I received an email from Google Map, the Title of the email is "The places you added have reached a new record on Google Maps"

I was very excited about the achievement that people love to use Google Map and the usage of Google Map are now increasing day by day.

I always tried my best to contribute on Google Map and add more places that are missing on Map but sometimes the Map disappoint me in their inexperience behaviour that they reject my places for adding without any reason.

I know the norms of Google Map and always tried to add the real places which are situated in real-world and never added any fake place I think I am the one from my City in this level.

I always trained more people to join Google Local Guide Program and helped the community as much.

Wish you all best of luck.


Yeahhhh @Hanifahsan awesome !

When I got email like this I’m feel very proud and motivated to better my contribution.

Congratulations :tada: :clap: :tada: :clap:

Enjoy in the new year of 2022

Greetings from Indonesia


Thanks for your motivation…

Enhorabuena @Hanifahsan ! Tus contribuciones están ayudando a muchas personas y te lo han hecho saber : 1 M, esta es la verdadera recompensa de un Local Guide, añadir lugares nuevos en Maps lleva mucho más esfuerzo que realizar fotografías, y tú en tu ciudad lo estás haciendo de maravilla.

@Hanifahsan Congratulations!! Let’s go for more!!!