How beautiful and dangerous the nature at the same time. I hope everyone heard about eruption of Vesuvious which was many years ago. A lot of victims from old to youth…
We decided to go to the Pompei, the ticket costed 13 Euro for the non-europe citizens and 9 Euro for the Europeans.Ukrainians pay full price!
Photos of Pompei museum you can see on myFacebook page=) POMPEI PHOTOS
It was amazing and gloomy to look on the city-ghost and picturesque views.
I am glad you like Pompei and I will give you a tip if you want to visit the South of Italy again.
If you think that Vesuvio and its scenery are amazing you also have to visit Etna in Sicily mainly for one reason: it’s an active volcano and the eruptions are quite spectacular. I was lucky enough to be there some years ago and assist one of them. It was pure nature power. To get there look for flights to Catania, and then you can simply get a bus to go on the top. You won’t regret it.