Hello! I am Alec from Vilnius, Lithania.
It is my first post for Local Guides Connect meeting 2019.
I have been fond of photography since a young age.
I try to most accurately convey the atmosphere of this place and I make general photos, photos of dishes, interior details, shop windows.
It often happens that my photos become capitalized.
Because when You come to a city , it is very difficult to navigate where to find a cafe or restaurant that would respond your desires. I always try to leave a review, so that people always can find what they are really interested.
If some information is not completely entered, I specify, for example, opening hours.
Why do I use Google maps and why is it important to me? It is very convenient for me to navigate in an new city. Sometimes hunger sneaks up unnoticed and in order not to be mistaken, I look for cafes or restaurants nearby with an interior and kitchen suitable for me.
I really do not want to be disappointed in the journey, so that some unpleasant impressions or sensations remain.Google maps always helps me to make right choice.