Well , there are roads permanently closed for sure, and they are not closed temporarily as the one of the options shown in the screenshot.
I believe the option should come back like before to assure that the road is closed permanently, and not closed depending on the options shown currently.
I see going by my experience, that the option ( does not exist) means that a road never ever been exist on the maps before. The ( permanently closed ) option , means that a road was exist and then closed forever for some reasons. I think it’s different cases .
I used the ( does not exist ) in my maps contribution before a years a go, for a cases that a roads drawn wrongly and mistakenly on an off road area ( not paved yet ) and they are approved by Google! When I see a roads are really not exist on the maps, I can use the ( not exist ) option.
Hi Mr @Flash , I know from a years ago about the System Feedback and how to use it . I usually shake my device while in the Go out to quickly get my feedback done , specially for editing roads. The temporary menu you stated should include the ( Permanently ) closed because of a reason happened to that Road resulted to close it permanently. When the menu includes the five options shown in the screenshot, I guess it should also include ( Permanently ) closed, because when the a road is closed ( permanently, ) we need the ( permanently ) choice,. I can’t select any choice from the shown options to a Permanent closed road ! You know why ! Because all options shown in the screenshot, refer to a temporary road closure. This mean that the road will start working after a temporary closure.
About what you stated your response , please see the screenshot that !
It says ( when I am not sure what kind of issue ) , then I will write my details in the FEEDBACK Field with the screenshot. Now ,I know what kind of issue is this ( Closed permanently ) , I don’t need to write a details about what I am sure from. It can be listed with the five options and I am done.
I am not looking for a solution to solve my editing, just notified Google that the option we are talking about should come back like before. I did it and received approval E that the road is permanently closed ! Guess how ! I gave it a try and I selected the ( not sure ) option . But in my opinion, the ( not sure ) option also is not a good solution to a road that ( Permanently ) closed ,because it may cause a delay whether the editing will be approved or rejected. If we have the ( closed permanently) option , there won’t be a delay because it’s a very clear editing.
Google is not going to rush permanent decisions. Feedback on permanent changes taking longer to confirm as compared to the menu for temporary changes is because it’s permanent.