@MukulR Fishing in the field… The people in Bangladesh are real professionals in finding positive in disaster, great feature.
Wonderful post. You show the life in your country in real colours, and your colours are always bright and warm. It’s a unique ability. Maybe namely these annual floods had taught you not to notice negative .
Thank you for sharing a bit of your country’s life.
I am very much glad that you like the post @AjitThite . I am also very happy that you feel interested to know about the folk song I have added to the video. Actually, that is a religious folk song. The words are as below
" My heart does not stay at home, my soul does not stay at home
I have become mad for the love of Vandariee
No one understands the pain in my heart except the God
Oh my God… "
Bhandarie is known as Maizbhandari, he was a Sufi from our Chittagong area. There are a lot of songs of about him. Those songs are very popular among the common people.
I collected 2 versions of the same song for you. One version is sung by a female singer, another one by a male singer. Please let me know which one you like most. Though I love my one .
Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. the singers you saw in my post are blind. Including the child, 2 other male singers are blind. They lead their life by singing in the bazaar or open space beside the road.
Thank you so much for a detailed information onto my curiosity @MukulR and I never thought that it has such a deep connection to your culture. The lyric of the song is very touchy and soulful and connected to almighty. That’s the reason I think those visually impaired artists were so involved and enjoying that song.
I also loved the one in your video, the reason is that they were performing with whatever is available to them and that’s made it special, so real. God bless them.
এরকম অসাধারণ ও ব্যতিক্রমী একটি পোস্টের জন্য কোনো প্রশংসাই যথেষ্ট নয়। সত্যিই এভাবে কখনো ভাবিনি। আপনার লেখনী ও চিন্তাশক্তি এর মাধ্যমে সুন্দরভাবে পুরো ব্যাপারটি ফুটিয়ে তোলার জন্য অনেক ধন্যবাদ।
আরো কিছুর অপেক্ষায় রইলাম আপনার কাছ থেকে।
ভালো থাকবেন @MukulR দাদা।
Bangladesh is a land of river @OlgaKlimchik . We have hundreds of small and big rivers in our country. As a result, a lot of people lead their life by catching and selling fish. They are professional. But when the flood comes other villagers become jobless and they started fishing (to eat and if they catch more sell also). So then fishing becomes like a festival!!. As I mentioned in this post, I will make a separate post on some fishing methods in our country. I hope you will like that post also.
Countries in the Indian subcontinent is naturally very colorful. We also wear very colorful dresses round the year which seems surprising to the Europeans and Americans. And you are absolutely right, the natural disaster has taught us how to find out the positive inside the negative. We need to fight a lot with nature to survive. Heavy rain, flood, Cyclone/Hurricane, landslide all are our everyday friends.
The drum you are talking about is a big bowl used in the kitchen. Actually, including the child, 3 singers in that video are blind and poor enough to buy musical instruments. For this reason, they are using the bowl as a drum. Thanks a lot for your nice comments. Regards.
I think swamp loving @Rymaszewsca will also like to see the water beauty of Bangladesh.
Thanks a lot once again for your nice comments @AjitThite . Our folk singers consider songs as a way to connect with the almighty and they sing from the core of their heart. For this reason, their songs are very much touchy. Your findings regarding our folk singers are also valuable. I love your thought about them very much. Love to you from Bangladesh.
@PritishB দাদা, এপার বাংলা ওপার বাংলা দুজায়গাতেই বন্যার চেহারা, ধ্বংস ক্ষমতা, জন দুর্ভোগ সবই এক। তাই বন্যা নিয়ে আমাদের নেতিবাচক দৃষ্টিভংগিও । তবে এই পোষ্টে আমি চেস্টা করেছি শত নেতিবাচকতার মধ্য থেকে বন্যার যে কিছু ইতিবাচক দিকও রয়েছে সেগুলো তুলে ধরার জন্য। জানিনা কতটুকু পেরেছি। তবে আপনি সহ অনেকেরে কাছে ভালো লাগছে পোষ্টটি, এখানেই আমার স্বার্থকতা। আপনার সুন্দর মন্তব্যের জন্যে অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ দাদা। ধন্যবাদ।
আমার মনে হয় @Anil6969 দাদাও এই পোষ্টটি পছন্দ করতে পারে। অনিলদা কেমন আছেন?
They are experts at using the bowl as a drum @OlgaKlimchik . I am not sure whether they came from one single-family because I did not get time to talk to them. Next time if I meet them I will take their details and will let you. I do not know them but I think they come to our village on regular basis to earn money by singing. I think I have some other video of them which I will share here if I find. Thanks for your comments and interest in them.
I like this post very much as nature had always given thing in balance some good with some not so good now its our perception ,How we take or look at it,
As Rose with Horn,
FLOOD With fertilisation(post flood)
another aspect the beauty which you have shown with lense commendable,
The great bhajan singer in anicent india Sant Surdas was also blind,the great singer of Ramayan Guru Ravinder jain was also blind,they all are very special people god had created these artist as Unique,
lets keep spreading the happiness with whatever good we have, and we can ,
Flood every year oh my God . I know flood and I know how suffer because flood , stuck can’t go anywhere or doing something
But looking the picture without flood it’s really amazing very beautiful view . And also kids look so happy playing water give us another scenary , thank you for your interesting story
Thanks a lot for this great comments @Anil6969 . You have pointed out some more positive things inside the negative. Thanks. Yes, blindness is a special gift from God to those singers. You have mentioned many blind singers’ names that I did not know before. I will study on them to learn more about them. Sometimes I think the earth still exists with the help or existence of these God gifted people you mentioned. Thanks once again for this inspiring comment.
Yes, every year we face flood more or less. It is a common catastrophe to our country @Nyainurjanah I think Indonesia also faces floods but not big like Bangladesh and India. The natural beauties of the flood are mind blowing though the destruction is huge. During the flood, village kids become more sportive. They spend most of the time in the water playing or catching fish. How was the video?
I will make a post soon on fishing during floods in Bangladesh. I hope you like that one also. Regards.
I unconditionally agree with this “BEAUTY LIES IN BEHOLDERS EYE” @Anil6969 . Finding beauty in a bad thing totally depends on our own point of view. How we see anything personally. Thanks once again for this valuable comment. Regards.
Thanks for liking the photos and the blog @VenuGopal25 . After 15 or 20 days of starting the flood water start becoming clear. And then this makes a beautiful scene as I have shown in my photos. You may also like my another post related to the flood water here. Thanks once again. Stay safe. Regards