Today I want to tell you a story that you’ll hardly find in a daily newspapers. A beautiful, human, and positive story. This story comes from Bergamo one of the Italian cities most affected by the outbreak of Covid_19.
When in January the Italians heard about the new Wuhan field hospital built in ten days everyone thought: ‘incredible, impossible to realize in Italy’. But now, in these last days, we realize, also in Italy, that when people really want something, people can do it ! In Bergamo they have begun the construction of a hospital in the pavilions of the Fair and ever since these jobs started, people come in every moment of the day asking, “Can I help?”
Today the hospital is almost finished, and more or less fifty people are working in it, building it, without ever stopping. They also work during the night and if you go to visit them, with the mask on your face, they tell your their feelings, their stories. “We know the situation is dramatic in our town but working here, all toghether, is a wonderful experience. No one prevails over the other, and each trusts the other’s work. You lend your tools and you work side by side, no stop, with people you don’t even know and with whom there is a very strong link. Then…at a certain time of the night, may be 10 p.m. or 11 p. m. a van comes in and brings pizzas for everyone. And no one asking for. Because our city, Bergamo, is like this and everyone contributes in his own way”.
The temporary field hospital will be active probably early next week thanks to there wonderful volunteers !