Following on from the April Name Game, shown in both the cover gif and my signature below, are thumbnail photos of Local Guides here on Connect. Your challenge, should you accept it, is to name these Local Guides (from left to right). Clues are shown below.
The Rules & Conditions of Entry
So we don’t have a bust up at the end, here are the rules of the game!
Add “The Name Game - May, 2023” as the Message Subject
Add your answers in the form of a list numbered 1 to 8 with your guess for the name (Connect usernames without the @) of each Local Guide shown in both the cover gif above and my signature gif below. Name the 8 Local Guides from left to right as they appear in both the cover gif and my signature gif.
Select the Send Message button.
Each name you get right earns you 1 point but you must get the order right so for example if you say that the 2nd person in the gif is me but in actual fact I’m the 6th person then you don’t get the point.
If you get all 8 names correct and in the right order you will earn a bonus of 2 points
Once your entry is received and checked, your points will be added to the table shown below.
Points are carried forward through to the end of the year and the Local Guide(s) with the highest points at the end of the year will be declared the winner(s) and get the final kudos Local Guide points to date are also shown in the table below.
Entry is open to all Local Guides but only one entry per Local Guide is allowed!
Entries of anyone caught cheating, like copying someone else’s answers or colluding will not be counted and would lead to your instant disqualification from the round
Entries close at the end of May.
These rules can change at any time !
The judge’s (moi’s) decision is final.
Who am I, May clues.In no particular order…
Well I’m from Ajax Ontario Canada and was a level 9 Local Guide until very recently
You haven’t seen much of me on Connect or have you! Not so long ago I had some dental work done in the Capital ofNorth Macedonia and had the pleasure of having breakfast with Google Contributor @DeniGu
I’m a newbie here! In fact, I only joined Connect on 26 April, 2023 because I heard about the Top 100 Star Photos and thought that my star photo would cause a bit of a rumble
A father of two lovely girls, I’m an enthusiast photographer and have great photo gear but I very rarely take external shots of shops. To me it’s what is inside what counts for a visitor. To tell you a little more about me, I rarely post on Connect but have commented a lot on the Top 100 Leaderboards and I love appearing on them. That newbie knocked me off that Top 100 perch recently, but being the flying Dutchman that I am, I’m determined to get back up there
I joined connect in late September, 2022, and like many others was simply attracted here to showcase my star photo. It really is a winner and just goes to show that if you take a great shot of a popular place, like say the Grand Central Terminal, New York, you can rack up tens of millions of views!!!
I was one of the first on one of the Top 100 Leaderboards, well together with Adam, and besides my passions for food, technology and photography, amongst other things, I love creating my podcast for Local Guides.
A couple of months ago I started wondering how my Map photo views compared to other local guides. I discovered the leaderboards and was blown away to find that I may be able to get into some of them. So I joined Connect on April 3, 2023, yes I’m also a newbie, and the very first thing I did was to enter my photo of El Farol Mexican Restaurant in Seattle, WA, USA and the rest is history
Recorro ciudades y comparto imágenes 360° de obras de arte o valor arquitectónico que pueblan el paisaje del espacio público. Excuse my Spanish as I’m from Ciudad de Buenos Aires, in beautiful Argentina. Also, as some will know, I’m an architect so I like taking photos and my photo of Torre Espacial in Buenos Aires is a real star
If you want to be one of the “face” participants in The Name Game, you must be a participant on the Top 100 Leaderboards (hint, hint). To learn more on how to register, see this How-to post by @AZ_2021 .
Before you submit your entry, I suggest you wait until Connect updates the GIF in my signature
I hope to introduce a different twist to The Name Game later in the year
Thanks @AZ_2021 . I’m trying hard to make it more interesting and I’m pleased that even at this stage of the overall game, newbies like @Raggafreak are jumping on board and having a go. I have to add, it’s by no means a two-horse race as I’m hoping to throw in some interesting challenges as the months move. For example, what if the hints turn into some truths and non-truths? What about needing to guess the names of some Local Guides that are not in the GIF so you must totally rely on the clues? So do keep plugging along Ashley
I can totally picture you as a character in the next Saw Movie- Google Guides Edition. “I want to play a game. Guess the name.”
Great ideas for future name games.
I tried to respond to your message too but the system wouldn’t let me. I will just see if I can squeeze in some time in this crazy week to guess the other names.
These clues, man, that almost made it more difficult! Who do we know in Ajax?
Thanks for the cryptic hints, @AdamGT . I have ideas for bonus points, but I’ll wait to see how well @EvaBar does this month before I make any suggestions …
Hehehe I said that they would be cryptic, I mean we can’t have this being and there isn’t much fun if this is too easy a challenge But having said that, I thought the Ajax clue was a dead giveaway
Yes I’ve been thinking hard about how to break it up a bit more, especially as we move closer to the finish line, so any ideas are welcome. @EvaBar is doing just fine so while she is deliberating on her final answers you once again are the head of the pack.
Very cryptic? Well hmmm yes, @JustJake thought that the clues made it more difficult and I see that some regulars like @MelTG@Mikeinthefalls@Stephanie_OWL and @Mo_TravelleerX seem to be struggling a bit this round. But then again, we do have some days to go!. Anyway, it’s just a bit of leaderboard fun
@AdamGT thanks for the gentle reminder that I hadn’t submitted my answers yet. Life keeps sidetracking me, although I’ve had the answers saved in my phone for a while.
I enjoyed the clues! It added a fun element to this months game
Oh I do understand how life could keep sidetracking you @MelTG as like most, it’s something I come up with regularly. Notwithstanding, it’s great to hear that you’re still in the race here. We’re almost halfway through and as I said some time ago, now we’re going to add a few “twists and turns” to make this challenge a little more interesting as we head to the finish line. In this regard, I’m pleased that you enjoyed the “cryptic” clues so stay tuned for more. I believe with what’s still ahead it’s still any body’s race
I do appreciate that you are very much focused on your university masters @Mo_TravelleerX but am pleased that you have also submitted your May entry. Keeping up at this stage is important as we don’t want @JustJake to lead by too big a margin, do we
@AdamGT one thought I had was to award bonus points for the first correct submission each month. Would give some incentive and hope to the players who aren’t sitting in first place that they could gain some ground and make moves. The twist though…don’t update the points board with the points until the end of the month
That’s an excellent thought @MelTG and if I’m correct I think @Mo_TravelleerX might have had a similar thought somewhere along the lines. Then again it might have been @Trail_blazer , sorry I just cannot recall.
Anyway, as you will have no doubt seen, to date, the order in which Local Guides appear on the Summary Table at each Total Points to Date level, is determined by the order in which they submit their answers and in this way it will determine the final finishing positions. So if we were to assume that the Summary table we have as at today’s date is the final outcome then the @JustJake , @EvaBar and @Trail_blazer would be the final top 3 winners and in that order, Jake first, Eva second and Trail_blazer third!!!
We’re going to move it up a notch soon so that we have a bit more fun and start separating the points a little more
I thought it was funny and perhaps this Local Guide was just having some fun and wanted to take the mickey out of me. Notwithstanding, this was my reply:
@AdamGT Bonus points for first response was going to be my suggestion, too. Given that @MelTG and I had one month where we were racing against time zone changes to get our guesses in on time, it definitely wouldn’t be to my advantage I get stuck reading posts from the folks in the game and lose track of time.
I’ve been a little bit behind on everything these past 2 months (planning and having a wedding and then honeymoon will do that to you ). It was a little iffy if I was going to be able to submit April’s answers, but I got it and now May is done too!
I have to admit this was a bit easier as right off the bat I knew some answers. And the hints really just made it harder for me I actually had to go back and try to match the hints with the answers. And I am still confused about some lol! @AdamGT could you please link the hints with the answers at the end? I’m really curious. I was definitely thrown off with the podcast hint. Had no idea there are 2 people doing podcasts
Maybe we deduct some points any time someone posts photos within the boundaries of some random place on the map. Just throwing a dart at the globe, I’d say … Ajax, Ontario.