Shown in both the cover gif and my signature below, are thumbnail photos of Local Guides here on Connect. Your challenge is to name these Local Guides.
The Rules & Conditions of Entry
So we don’t have a bust up at the end, here are the rules of the game!
Add “The Name Game - March, 2023” as the Message Subject
Add your answers in the form of a list numbered 1 to 8 with your guess for the name (Connect usernames without the @) of each Local Guide shown in both the cover gif above and my signature gif below.
Select the Send Message button.
Each name you get right earns you 1 point but you must get the order right so for example if you say that the 2nd person in the gif is me but in actual fact I’m the 6th person then you don’t get the point.
If you get all 8 names correct and in the right order you will earn a bonus of 2 points
Once your entry is received and checked, your points will be added to the table shown below.
Points are carried forward through to the end of the year and the Local Guide(s) with the highest points at the end of the year will be declared the winner(s) and get the final kudos Local Guide points to date are also shown in the table below.
Entry is open to all Local Guides but only one entry per Local Guide is allowed!
Entries of anyone caught cheating, like copying someone else’s answers or colluding will not be counted and would lead to your instant disqualification from the round
If you want to be one of the “face” participants in The Name Game, you must be a participant on the Top 100 Leaderboards (hint, hint). To learn more on how to register, see this How-to post by @AZ_2021 .
I hope to introduce a different twist to The Name Game later in the year
Thanks for testing my knowledge yet again @AdamGT . I saw some new faces but managed to figure it out I feel like this is helping me get to know some LGs that are maybe not as active.
LOL. @Stephanie_OWL has been rolled and unfortunately because of a serious mistake in the early rounds, she has a difficult task to keep up let alone take the lead. However, I know she’s a very determined soul and doesn’t give up! A trip up by the likes of yourself or @EvaBar , or if you were to take a rest for a month as I see she suggested, could easily create a new ball game. Time will tell!
Ich habe im Februar ZU SCHNELL gesendet und du siehst, DAS war auch nicht gut
Die Reihenfolge wäre ebenfalls wichtig gewesen.
Komm an Bord @Trail_blazer und sei dabei, auch wenn es diesen Monat wirklich knifflig war.
Und @JustJake auch wenn ich gerne diesen Monat weiterhin allein der Spitze gewesen wäre, teile dir die Führung doch mit @EvaBar
Auch ein Pferderennen macht nur Spaß, wenn genug von ihnen teilnehmen. Ich hatte meinen kleinen Ruhm der Führung genossen, aber WIRKLICHER Ansporn ist es, wenn ich aufholen kann
It’s nice to see some late entries for the March Name Game trivia ( @TerryPG ) and even a late starter altogether in @Mo_TravelleerX but can Mo come in from behind and make up all that last ground? Like you @Stephanie_OWL I too wondered about @JustJake who has been a consistent player from the very start and have @AZ_2021 , @MelTG and @Mikeinthefalls dropped out altogether? Hmmm interesting!
Well I’m really impressed. We saw a last minute race for the finishing post. I think all the prompting by @Stephanie_OWL motivating @JustJake to get his act together before the close-off time and @MelTG also managed to get her entry in on time. @TerryPG was absolutely right, this one was tough mainly because @SabbirShawon had changed his profile photo during the month, of course, something beyond my control. Given this, hats off to all of you that scored 10 points, I’m impressed.
@AdamGT … Just so we know for future months, are you closing these at 11:59p on the last day of the month YOUR TIME? I don’t see an exact cut off outlined in the instructions so I just wanted to make sure for the future. If so, it might be fair to give anyone who assumed they had through their local time today a chance to have their submission counted