The Most Massive Environmental Movement In Batu City

This massive movement began to appear early in the morning. All city residents, school students, government employees and private employees also voluntarily clean up their respective environments. They mingle with one another to help clean up all the garbage found, put it in the sacks that have been provided, and load it on the garbage truck that has been provided by the Batu City Environmental Agency. It was one of the events led by the Sabers Pungli team with the Batu City government and Batu City Police Department.

The supporters are :

1.DLH Kota Batu
3.PKK kota Batu
4.Batu Local Guides
6.Kampung Lumbung
8.Tani Milenial
9.Resik Kalen
10.Jelajah Kampung
11.Relawan Cinta Lingkungan
14.Forum Kota Sehat
15.Suara Perempuan Desa
16.Kaliwatu Group
17.JCI (Junior Chamber International).
18. Tagana.
19. Laskar Hijau Foundation JTP Group.
20. Gusdurian

The next event, is the ceremonial event of cutting cone as a form of celebration of the anniversary of Sabung Pungli movement. The event was attended by the deputy mayor’s wife, Wibi Asri, members of the Batu City PKK, Batu Local Guides community, supporters of the Sabers Pungli movement, and 300 garbage collectors in Batu City. Cutting the cone is carried out symbolically by the Sabers Pungli senior, Kariyadi. The cone piece was given to the deputy mayor’s wife, as a symbol of harmonious relations between ordinary citizens and the government. The next session was the delivery of 300 T-shirts obtained from donations from residents for the cleanliness heroes. The event ended with a group photo of all participants, followed by breakfast together. Breakfast this time is special, because we get the opportunity to sit and eat with the garbage men who every day from morning to late at night work hard to clean Batu City from rubbish.

What is Sabers Pungli?
Sabers Pungli is an abbreviation of SApu BERsih Sampah nyemPlUNG kaLI, which means wiping out every single trash that could be found in the river. Of course, whoever the person is, regardless of position or rank, when they follow the Sabers Pungli movement, they must jump into the river to face any rubbish found, no matter how disgusting it is. Sometimes, the invitation for this movement is quite touching.

“At least, take your time to jump into the river once in a lifetime, to pick up your own disgusting trash”


Kolaborasi yang hebat setiap jajaran yang ada, baik pemerintah, pihak swasta maupun masyarakat saling bahu membahu dalam membersihkan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Peringatan 2 tahun sabers pungli, mengalir luar biasa…


Kerennn couple @Annisa1208 dan @br14n memang cucok meong kalau udah ngomongin local guide, tercetar membahana, jadi kangen dengan beliau beliau ini, love you full


@Nyainurjanah Ahay, ayo kapan ke Batu? Pakai kereta api aja, jangan pakai motor hehehe


@RirienWisma semoga kegiatan ini tidak berhenti disitu saja ya mbak,yang terpenting adalah kesadarah semua pihak dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan secara rutin.terima kasih sudah selalu aupport kegiatan kita…semangat berkontribusi…

@Nyainurjanah hai hai jadi pengen meet up lagi nih dengan cewek yg smart dan keren ini…

@br14n thanks for your guidance…


Kolaborasi yang sangat luar biasa dalam hal kepedulian yang luar biasa terhadap lingkungan.Saluut Salam Kontribusi…


Kegiatan yang hebat, kami juga mengadakan kegiatan bersih-bersih lingkungan sebulan sekali. Semoga nanti bisa bergabung di sabers pungli.


Jaya selalu Sabers Pungli dan BLG di dunia nyata dan Maya :heart_eyes:


Kegiatan para pecinta lingkungan harus terus digalakkan Dengan menambah anggota-anggota yang aktif juga pendampingan sosialisasi untuk masyarakat umum


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:keren kegiatan c8nta l8ngk7ngan yang layak diikuti …BLG memang inspiring


Alhamdulillah tetap memberi manfaat buat semua… maju terus BATU LG, semangat berkontribusi


salut buat sabers pungli yang selalu konsisten peduli lingkungan…“sabers pungli mengalir luar biasa”…


Thanks to local guides like you and @br14n , Sabers Pungli movement is very well known here in Connect, @Annisa1208 , as you can see in the worldwide “Mymaps of plastic pollution”, where all the activities of Batu Local Guides are highlighted.

Thank you for this post. Congratulation to all the Batu Local Guides

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@ErmesT thank you very much for your attention and we hope it can be our energy keep moving in "sabers pungli’ movement

@JuwarniPawuh @Moestika @Martha33 @Srirahayu76 @AgustinaA @Nuryati007 semua karena support kalian,terima kasih dan jangan lelah menebarkan virus cinta lingkungan.


@Annisa1208 wow it’s amazing.

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Thank you @user_not_found

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